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Protest in Lgov colony continues

posted by zaina19 on July, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/5/2005 10:25 AM
4.7.2005 12:36 MSK
Protest in Lgov colony continues
RUSSIA, Moscow. 29 June. The latest reports by human rights defenders’ commission from Lgov, Koursk Region, reveal that some 150 relatives of inmates gathered outside the penal colony in Primakov Street, Lgov, where prisoners and their families have held protests for the last three days. Emergency road works have started outside the building and hot tar has been poured. Traffic militia has closed off roads near the colony and surrounding area to traffic on the pretext of road maintenance works.

All-Russian Public Movement For the Human Rights reports that some relatives were given an opportunity to visit prisoners. The movement learnt that the inmates’ protest continued on 28 June, and another estimated 200 prisoners sustained self-inflicted injuries, although the latter has not been confirmed. Despite the assurances given by security forces colonel Yury Mikhailovich Kostikov (Ombudsman of Koursk Region Department for Execution of Penalties) that prisoners have not been moved from the colony, eyewitnesses from among the relatives who held 24-hour vigil outside the building, claim that during the previous night three overcrowded prison vans left the colony’s territory.

Two prisoners who had been released were able to give their accounts of the ordeal to the Movement for the Human Rights. Alexander Malikov who was released on 12 May 2005, told the Movement that before he had left the prison he was forced to slit his wrists in protest against beatings, including running the gauntlet. In his words, deputy chief of the colony Dvoyenosov was immediately involved in organising the beatings. Malikov’s evidence was confirmed by Denis Pavlov, also recently released. Ten former inmates who left OX-30/3 colony not so long ago, lodged a complaint to prosecutor’s office in connection with inhumane treatment in the colony but their complaints were dismissed as no evidence had been found to support their allegations.

Some 150 inmates’ relatives erected tents outside the colony. They demand a meeting with prosecutor’s office administration, an enquiry into unlawful actions by prison guards and to suspend the colony administration from duty.

According to the information received, there have been beatings of "slitter" inmates at the colony’s high security facility.

On-line publication Grazhdansky Kontrol (Civil Control) reports that Russian Prosecutor General’s Office confirmed the beatings of inmates in the colony. "In the course of the investigation we obtained evidence in support of the allegations of beatings of four prisoners which was confirmed by the results of forensic tests," said Russian Deputy Prosecutor General Nikolai Savchenko on 29 June, Interfax news agency reports. In his words, in the nearest future a number of prison administration officers would be charged with exceeding the official duty and their suspension from duty would be determined.

Investigation is also carried out against inmates whose actions, as Federal Service for Execution of Penalties states, "were premeditated and sought to inflame the situation in the colony," reports. Deputy Prosecutor General stated that according to confirmed information, 345 prisoners gave themselves injuries using the blades taken out of safety razors.

Translated by Olga Sharp
PRIMA-News Agency [2005-06-28-Rus-39]

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