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The Bloody Massacre in Pankisi

posted by zaina19 on July, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/9/2005 4:34 AM

The Bloody Massacre in Pankisi

There is one more black page in Chechen-Georgian attitudes for the period of Saakashvili's regime. The Georgian authorities kill two ethnic Chechens-Kists, inhabitants of Georgia , members of the local Kists' Djamaat. One week ago one more Pankisi Chechen, Margoshvili, was killed, who ostensibly wished to pass the frontier of Georgia .

At five o'clock in the morning (06.07.2005) the Georgian special troops approached the house of Sultan (Vaha) Gumashvili, an inhabitant of Duisi, who lived in the center of the village. Nobody knows the further development of events. It is known only, that for the moment of the beginning of the fight a relative of Vaha, Avto, was together with him in the house, who did not want to leave Gumashvili alone.

It is also known a little about the reasons of the arrival of the Georgian special troops. According to some information several days before Gumashvili had shot at the criminal, who earlier attacked his wife, but the wounded man managed to escape. However, it is not clear yet, what actually was the reason for the retaliatory expedition of the Georgian armies in Duisi.

The fight began at five o'clock in the morning. The last shot sounded at five o'clock in the evening. 12 hours went the fierce battle of two Kists with several hundreds of Georgian special troops' soldiers.

During the break from the house Vaha Gumashvili was wounded and taken to hospital where he soon died. His relative Avto could be killed only after the house was set up fire. He burned down alive, watering the Georgian special troops with lead up to the last gasp.

Three children and women were wounded by Georgian armies, when local residents tried to prevent the war in the center of the village.

According to the Georgian authorities, as the result of the fight one Georgian special troops' soldier was killed and two of them are gravely wounded. Nobody knows the real losses of Saakashvili's formations.

For now there are thousands of soldiers and military techniques in village Duisi. There are more military men there, that the local population taken together with babies. People are extremely disturbed and anxious with bloody massacre arranged by authorities of Georgia .

Chechen muhajirs are packing their suitcases. None of them is going to stay there. Probably this bloody massacre against two Kists, members of the local Islamic Djamaat, was organized by special services for this purpose.

There are tens of ways to arrest people without any shot. However the Georgian authorities purposefully organized the indicative action by means of which wished to show their force. Everything turned out to be on the contrary. Hundreds of soldiers of the elite Georgian armies, all these years prepared by Americans for a war in the South Ossetia and in Abkhazia, were at war with two Kists for more than 12 hours.

The bloody massacre in Duisi took place on the background of the proceeding recruiting activity of a group of Chechen munafiks in Pankisi, who by hook or by crook try to take out the refugees, who have remained there, to the occupied Chechen Republic .

This group is led by certain Vaha Mahashev, who offers people a single financial help – for singles - 15 dollars, for a family - 30. But for this purpose it is necessary to write the following application - "I ask to help to a citizen of Russia …"

It is necessary to notice that the attack at the village Duisi took place two days later after the street fights in Tbilisi . In this connection some Georgian oppositionists do not exclude the version that the Georgian authorities search for the reasons for scale provocations in order not only to begin reprisals, but also to distract attention of the public from the constant failures in Abkhazia and the South Ossetia. And also from the railway, which should be opened through Abkhazia under the pressure of Russia without preliminary conditions. Also Georgia hurries up to sign a large frame contract with Russia .

And there is one more important detail. Bloody massacre in Pankisi Georgian authorities dated for the day of pleasure actions in Tbilisi , where since Sunday morning in the Rustaveli Avenue there were concerts and also a salute in the evening.

Maybe, the Georgian authorities, thus, celebrated their victory over two Kists?

Date Tutashhia, Tbilisi ,

Kavkaz Center

2005-07-08 01:58:52

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