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Journalists for Human Rights

posted by zaina19 on June, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/9/2005 12:03 PM
Journalists for Human Rights


Address: South Ossetia, Tskhinval, ul. Sovetskaia 61
Phone.: 8(88344) 4-55-37, mobile (99599) 51-82-70

Leader: Irina Yanovskii

The organisation was created at the initiative of Irina Yanovskii on 7 July 1998.

Its objectives include protection of human rights in South Ossetia, development of democracy, facilitation of civil society development, facilitation of establishment and enhancement of cooperation in the area of human rights between South Ossetian and foreign individuals and legal entities.

The organisation's current activities include provision of services to visitors of a human rights library and participation in work on current projects. The organisation has taken and is taking an active part in the process of exchange of persons detained for committing non-grave crimes between the parties to the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. Nearly a year ago, the organisation took part in a journalist research as regards illegal imprisonment of Georgian persons in Tskhinval.

Projects implemented:

   1. Future Without Weapons. Supported by a private sponsor, its key objective was to facilitate the process of voluntary turning up of weapons illegally kept by the population.
   2. Monitoring in the Tskhinval prison.
   3. Participation in the process of exchange of detained persons between the parties to the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.
   4. Participation in a journalist research as regards illegal imprisonment of Georgian persons in Tskhinval.
   5. Participation in implementing the project INTER NEWS in the Perekriostok programme (in Russian) and the Kvira programme (in Georgian).
   6. Tskhinval Human Rights Centre, supported by the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF).
   7. Establishment of a legal department within the organisation.
   8. Establishment of a division for social and psychological rehabilitation within the organisation.
   9. A study of nongovernmental organisations in the Republic of South Ossetia as part of a project for nongovernmental organisations. The MIKA publishing complex - A Study of the Book Market, the 3rd Sector.
  10. Establishment of a "children's bookshelf" library as part of the organisation; the project was supported by the United Nations Volunteers programme (UNV).
  11. Documentation of Women's Rights Violations in the Republic of South Ossetia; the project was supported by the OSGF.
  12. Trainings in human rights for teachers of city schools, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
  13. My Rights competition in city schools, funded by the OSGF.
  14. Trainings for instructors of the "Summer Tent Camp - Summer School for Human Rights," funded by UNV.
  15. Organisation of a summer school for human rights in Mziugom, South Ossetia, supported by the UNHCR.
  16. Partner of the Alternative organisation in a joint programme titled Third Sector Development in the Republic of South Ossetia, supported by Tacis.
  17. Tskhinval Discussion Club (meetings and discussions between Georgian and Ossetian journalists, NGO representatives, lawyers, participants in the negotiation process and experts), funded by the United States Information Service (USIS).
  18. Partner of the War Child organisation (The Netherlands) in the project Creative Sessions for Children Traumatised by Military Events.
  19. Writing competition titled If I Were A Peace Commissioner among schoolchildren aged 12 to 17, funded by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
  20. Organisation of a Summer Tent Camp in Ureki, Georgia, for winners in human rights competitions, funded by the OSCE, British Council.
  21. Creative Sessions for Children Traumatised by Military Events, funded by War Child.
  22. Organisation of a summer school for children in Ajaria, funded by the OSCE, UNHCR, UNICEF.
  23. Journalists for Peace, funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
  24. Journalist Support and Promotion of the Process of Peaceful Settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian Conflict. The organisation acts as a partner of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) in this project. The project was supported by the Dutch Embassy in Georgia, but is currently frozen.
  25. Youth for a Better Future, War Child.
  26. Strengthening Democracy in the South Caucasus by Means of Freedom of Speech, Article 19 (Democratic Elections trainings, a State Secret / Access to Information public opinion poll, radio broadcasts).

Organisation structure: The General Meeting is the top governing body that carries out management of the organisation's activities in compliance with the Constitution and effective legislation. The General Meeting is held once in a year and is deemed capable if attended by at least two-thirds of the total number of organisation members.

The executive body (the Chairman and his or her two deputies) is elected by the General Meeting that is deemed capable if attended by at least two-thirds of the total number of organisation members.

The Chairman of the organisation represents the organisation in dealing with individuals and legal entities; signs agreements, contracts, obligations and arrangements on behalf of the organisation; and bears responsibility for meeting the requirements to nongovernmental organisations subject to the Constitution of the Republic of South Ossetia.

The Chairman disposes of all funds and assets of the organisation.

The deputies of the Chairman help the Chairman in the organisation of his or her activities.

The organisation numbers five active members.

Depending on projects, the number of hired employees fluctuates between five and fifteen.

Partnership: Georgian NGOs, including

RE Studio
Society for the Promotion of the Harmonic Development of Man
MIKA Publishing House
Alternative (Georgia, since 1 April 2001, NGO Development in South Ossetia project)
Centre for Democratic Development and Conflict Settlement
Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development
Centre for the Protection of Constitutional Rights
International School of Human Rights
Committee against Torture
Human Rights in Georgia
Human Resources Development Foundation
Former Political Prisoners for Human Rights
Helsinki Civil Assembly of Georgia
International Centre for Conflict and Negotiation Research, etc.

Apart from cooperation with human rights NGOs in Georgia, the organisation cooperates with similar organisations in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Moscow, including the Public Centre for Criminal Justice Reform Promotion, the Information Centre for the Human Rights Movement, Nonviolence International, etc. The Council for International Research and Exchange (IREX) is also a partner of the organisation. An IREX meeting with the nongovernmental sector of South Ossetia was organised in the office of the Tskhinval Human Rights Centre on 18 October 2000. A representative of the NGO took part in a consultative meeting with psychologists from the United Kingdom as part of a planned project. The meeting was held in the U.K. Embassy in Georgia in late October 2000. The organisation's partners also include War Child, Article 19, and the IWPR.

Branches and affiliates: The Tskhinval Human Rights Centre established as part of the organisation; an office in the Java district of South Ossetia.

Funding sources: Foundations and programmes, including the OSGF, UNV, and the USIS; the U.K. Embassy in Georgia, the UNHCR, War Child, Article 19.

Relations with authorities: No cooperation.

Registration: The organisation was registered as a republican nongovernmental organisation with the Justice Ministry of the Republic of South Ossetia on 10 December 1998, registration certificate no 36.

Legal address: South Ossetia, Tskhinval, ul. Sovetskaia 61

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