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Committee to Promote Legitimate Human Rights

posted by zaina19 on June, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/9/2005 12:08 PM
Committee to Promote Legitimate Human Rights


414000, Astrakhan, Lenina 8/20
Phone: 8-8512-229370

Leader: Gladyshev, Viacheslav Vladimirovich

Brief info: The organisation handles human rights issues in the Astrakhan region.

The organisation was established in 1994 on the initiative of a group of citizens.

The organisation's objectives include facilitation of the legal protection of citizens, the study of causes and conditions contributing to civil and human rights violations, education of citizens in the area of human rights, and creation of conditions for the development of civil society.

Its everyday activities are:

    * Legal sponsorship - legal assistance to citizens (legal advice, court proceedings);
    * Attraction and education of law students (a legal clinic);
    * Monitoring of elections to the Russian Duma and local and municipal government (1999-2000);
    * In association with the Eurasia Foundation, a research study of the condition of NGOs in the Astrakhan region and their interaction with structures of the business community, government, and civil society;
    * In cooperation with the Interlegal association, educational work under the slogan For Honest and Clean Elections.

The organisation numbers 14 members (six permanent workers, three part-time workers and five student volunteers).

Organisation structure: chairman, general meeting, advisory board, auditing commission. The chairman is the executive body.

No affiliates or branches.

Partners: Astrakhan regional public organisation Friendship (V.V. Lebedev); Astrakhan regional public organisation of the All-Russian Society of the Blind (R.D. Petrova); Astrakhan regional public organisation of forced migrants from Chechnya "Sunzha" (L.I. Kazberova); Astrakhan regional organisation of disabled children and their parents (N.V. Kostiuchenko); Astrakhan regional Club of Internet Users (G.P. Denisov); Astrakhan regional public foundation of invalids and veterans of civil service Motherland and Honour (V.A. Aksionov); Astrakhan regional office of the interregional public charitable organisation for assistance to retarded and disabled persons Sail of Hope (A.B. Bekesov); Astrakhan regional office of the Historical-Enlightenment, Human Rights and Humanitarian Society Memorial (L.S. Davlatova) - cooperative work on the project Migration and Law: Legal Assistance to Refugees and Forced Migrants; Civic Assistance Committee, cooperation with the Migrants Organisations Forum.

The Committee to Promote Legitimate Human Rights is an associate member of the Vote Association along with the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI, US) for implementing socially beneficial projects: electoral monitoring; a project for the creation of an effective institution of associate judges; the Budget Transparency project.

Funding sources: donations from citizens, payments for pay services, grants. Two grants were obtained from the Soros Foundation for the Student Legal Bureau project in 1999.

Relations with local authorities: there are troubles with the authorities as regards office space provision; lawsuits have been lodged against the governor, the mayor, the prosecutor's office, etc. over revealed civil rights violations.

Registration: October 1994, Department of Justice of the Astrakhan region.

The Charter was re-registered in 1999, certificate of registration no. 174.

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