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Triumph of justice?

posted by zaina19 on April, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/1/2005 1:21 PM
Triumph of justice?

This – quite ordinary for Chechnya – case became widely known thanks to Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. A young Chechen man disappeared. A common thing for Chechnya, especially if a man is taken away by people in military uniform. Zelimkhan Murdalov “was taken away” by police. Later, at the Oktyabrsky district police station, police officer Lapin “found” drugs in Murdalov’s pocket.

“A criminal case” was opened right away and trying to force Murdalov “to a secret information cooperation” together with “an unknown person” Lapin beat up the detainee with a rubber truncheon. As a result Murdalov suffered numerous serious injuries. And then they had “to take” Murdalov in “unknown direction” and to make up a false statement on behalf of Murdalov inventing other reasons for injuries received. All that became known even before the trial which took place in Grozny. Lapin was sentenced to 11 years in prison. He would not be allowed to work in police for three extra years. After that – welcome. He can easily apply.

After the trial Stanislav Markelov, the lawyer for the victim family, said he was satisfied with the court ruling: “I am pleased with the court ruling, because in the history of modern Chechnya this is the first sentence based on the Russian law. Not the basis of Sharia law, but in accordance with the judicial procedure of the Russian law. This court ruling also demonstrates to Chechnya’s residents that it is possible to seek justice in court, not with the help of guns, because the sentence was announced in Chechnya.”

Markelov is not bewildered with the fact that the name of another accomplice (of abduction? murder?) has remained unknown. Zelimkhan’s father hasn’t received an answer to his main question – where is his son? It turns out that Lapin was sentenced only for severely beating Murdalov? That’s ridiculous! Or disgusting?

Most likely – disgusting. As well as when the jury in unison acquits the reconnaissance group of murders headed by Ulman and when “Russian patriots” of all sorts and “state level” call rapist Budanov “the best Russian” and express “regret” over what happened to him.

Markelov’s words is a common propagandistic lie. Most probably he understood what these “democratic changes” in Chechnya are worth of. If not, let him tell us about his unhurried and lonely trip to the court building through shady alleys when he thought about the process. Or may be he did not walk there and was taken there by car, through the ruined city resembling a pile of broken bricks. He was accompanied by heavily armed guards with small stops at numerous roadblocks. And Markelov is likely to see hi trip to this “democratic paradise” in nightmares. If that is the case (most probably, that is what happened to him there), shall we be surprised at the sentence? In fact, Lapin wasn’t sentenced, he was acquitted dropping “murder” and “abduction” charges. This is why Markelov rejoiced?

By the way, Lapin’s defense did not agree with the court ruling and are going to have it reviewed and they can achieve their goal – earlier the Pyatigorsk-based court recognized Lapin as “socially not dangerous” (!) and released under a written pledge not to flee. At that time deputy prosecutor general Markov de-facto stood up to defend the accused… And at that time journalist Anna Politkovskaya began receiving e-mail messages with threats.

Speaking about the trial of Lapin, it becomes clear that there are grounds to consider neither the court hearings nor the investigation as “ideal.” In prison Lapin will hardly be forced to heavy labor. Also it is unlikely that he will serve in prison all these 11 years. It will be much easier to amnesty him than, let say, almost amnestied murderer and rapist Budanov serving his prison term as a gym assistant manager… Zara Murtazaliyeva, whose case was falsified from the very beginning, will hardly be so lucky. Russian courts – is a mirror of the state and today we can clearly see in this mirror the state model which is being built in Russia by an FSB lieutenant colonel.
The Chechen Times

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