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Samashki Demand Vengeance

posted by zaina19 on April, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/8/2005 11:23 AM
April, 6, 2005

Samashki Demand Vengeance

2 days before the tragedy, when chastisers would lose completely the right to be named people, a driver Mahmud, the head of the group of self-defense, told a correspondent of the radio "Freedom", "There has never been such, we do not need it (about the version started by Russians, that journalists from St.-Petersburg were killed in Samashki). It is the next canard. Can you imagine, they have thought it up in order just to say something that we thought they were "employees of the FSK". Russian armies are in one kilometer from us. They have mined everything, they shoot everywhere. There is nothing to eat. A plane flies by, bombs everything. There is shelling constantly. We protect the village".

According to Movladi Udugov, that very day the special representative commission of the special department of the Joint Headquarters of the Chechen forces was sent to Samashki to check the information about journalists. As the legal expert, a member of the "Sergey Kovalev's commission" A.Blinushov testified, on the 6 th of April, members of the observant commission made an attempt toFrom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/8/2005 4:24 AM

Women's rights violated in Georgia

Service women discharged from Georgia's Armed Forces are going to re-enlist through court proceedings. This is what Ucha Nanuashvili, chief executive of the Information and Documentation Centre for Human Rights Protection, said at a press conference on 6 April, according to News Georgia agency.

He said five service women of the medical company of Georgia's Defence Ministry had lodged a suit with a Tbilisi court demanding that the order for their discharge should be cancelled.

Nanuashvili explained service women Shorena Sadagashvili, Madonna Tsaava, Khatia Longurashvili, Natia Gurabalidze and Lieutenant Maya Goderdzishvili were on 4 October 2004 discharged from the Armed Forces while on maternity leave, without warning. The plaintiffs knew about their discharge only on 7 March 2005.

Two women who applied to the Defence Ministry were offered re-enlistment with their previous record cancelled. They disagreed and filed a lawsuit.

Hearing of the suit has not yet begun. Some time ago, the same court ruled in favour of another service woman of the medical company, Lieutenant Maka Kukava, discharged under analogous circumstances. She has not yet been re-enlisted though.

Nanuashvili remarked the Georgian labour law prohibits dismissal of pregnant women and women with children under three. "The order to discharge the service women on maternity leave violates the law on the status of service personnel, the labour legislation and the law on public service," he said. The human rights centre leader expressed hope the court would rule in favour of the former service women. He added this was not the only case of illegal discharge from the Georgian Armed Forces. get to Samashki. But the road was closed with Russian armored techniques. They were not let in.

Also a group of elders, religious authorities of the village were not let to meet militaries. They had something to speak about. On the eve General Antonov (the executioner, who has erased everything alive in Samashki from the ground) General Romanov (punished for it by the Allah with that for 9 years he is between a life and death), assistant of Anatoly Kulikov declared ultimatum to the inhabitants of Samashki: to hand in 264 automatic devices, which ostensibly were in the village till 7.00 of the 7 th of April, otherwise they would storm. There were few hours left before the end of the, there was not such quantity of weapon in the settlement; there were no insurgents there, only a group of self-defense. And there was artillery, mortars, tanks, and other armored techniques around Samashki. 30 percents of the settlement had already been destroyed, many inhabitants of the settlement huddle in premises of the Sernovodsk sanatorium ruined by invaders, where there were 2500 refugees. Everybody was in the condition close to panic.

Andrei Blinushov says (radio "Freedom"), "At night of the 6 th to the 7 th of April in spite of the fact, that the term of the ultimatum had not expired, the intensive shelling of Samashki from the village Assinovskaya, with automatic devices from the blockhouse began since 22.30 till 01.00. Since 7.00 till 10.00 the settlement underwent fierce impacts of aircraft, since 7.00 the village was also shot from BMPs".

And this is the evidence of another legal expert - A.Guryanov: "At 18.00 a wide attack at Samashki was undertaken. The artillery was put forward for 1 km from the village and was shooting over open sights at the center of the settlement. The left suburb of the village was burning. BMP were shooting in the area of the mosque. Russian soldiers, probably, had already entered into the village.

20.00 - bombs again fell down on Samashki. It had been bombed earlier, when a column of Russians was crushed at Samashki by Chechens. But then there was a contract with the armies about mutual non-aggression: there were no insurgents, and there were only peace people in the group of self-defense. Yesterday an armored train passed by the railway, and then there was the ultimatum, and at once bombardments followed. The figure of 264 automatic devices was taken from the investigation data, denunciations, and data of opposition. The inhabitants of the village had handed in 11 automatic devices. Today civil guardsmen make their way to Samashki, and furiously resist to Russians, using machine guns, automatic devices. But heavy fire of the tanks sweeps away everything, next day anything hardly will remain from the village…"

And tomorrow begins with the next mean provocation of the bloody executioners - radio " Russia " informs, that "Chechen insurgents have shot a group of members of the parliament consisted of local elders of the settlement Samashki. Having agreed with federal armies, they went to the insurgents…"

And Samashki are in all fighting reports. Ruslan Aushev came out in the radio "Freedom": "The inhabitants of Samashki need the urgent help. The village can become history, as the bloodiest tragedy. The artillery shoots at the inhabitants over open sights, the majority of the inhabitants have sheltered here from the war from other settlements of the republic".

In the evening Russians, intoxicated with their bloody work, reported: Samashki were captured. A column of BMP entered into the village from the north. Women and children, old men… everyone was killed. More than 130 Chechens were killed, 124 were captured. Soldiers were entering the left houses, threw bombs into them.

That very day a part of atrocities of the chastisers became known (the access to the village was closed for everybody). They arrested all men, shot and set fire to houses. Employees of the "Doctors without borders" testified: "We tried to take the wounded out, but we were not passed into the village without Anatoly Kulikov's written sanction. At night there were 3 BMPs in each street, in the morning Russian soldiers put on masks and went to destroy the village, everything alive in it. They set fire to corpses. Each house was shot from machine guns, flame throwers destroyed everything, what got in sight. The Aslambek Sheripov's Street – nothing is left of it. The Vygonnaya Street – all houses are burnt. They do not allow us to take out the wounded… For several days they directly threaten Sernovodsk: "We shall finish here, and we shall come to you!"

There are also some more evidences of the brutal, carried out with senseless cruelty, inherent only to Russians, retaliatory operation against the peace settlement. Guryanov: "There is a list of 500 inhabitants of the village, missing people, it is supposed, that there are also shot people". Radio "Freedom" the 10 th of April: "Before the attack all outputs from the settlement were blocked. There was no opportunity to hide in the village – there were BMPs, SAUs everywhere. The Worker, Proletarian, and Lenin Streets were destroyed in few hours. Armored troop-carriers, KamAZs, BMPs pressed everything, killed, finished, without regret to the wounded men, people were not allowed to go out of the cellars, setting fire to the houses. They threw a grenade at a father with his wounded son, poured gasoline on them, and set fire. The Steppe Street : they pulled out a guy's heart and put it on the corpse".

Movladi Udugov: "Infernal cruelty always takes place during a war, but today it is senseless cruelty". M. Alsabekov, mufti of the Chechen Republic : "The information about the execution of elders by Chechens is far-fetched. It does not matter, to what political views a Chechen adheres, none of them would do it. Elders have a greater authority in the Chechen Republic , than any authority does". A. Blinushov: "Samashki are Songmi, Hatyn!"

To tell the truth, I wanted to make comments to these evidences. But I decided to stop at an extract from the newspaper "Today" from April, 13, 1995 : "Samashki after the restoration of the constitutional order: the 4-th day – there are graves everywhere, they are dug by old men. About 150 have already been buried, there are more than 100 remained. Charred corpses of 2 girls, near there are 2 corpses of men, wrapped up in blankets: one of them has his stomach ripped up, the other one - his cranium is crumbed”.

How to forget it! How to forgive?!

Turko Dikaev, Chechenpress


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