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The Anti-Semitic Roots of Anti-Chechen Propaganda

posted by zaina19 on April, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/11/2005 6:02 AM

Latest Press Releases on Human Rights in Chechnya

Note: The following press releases are a selection coming form very different sources. The webauthor simply "copies and pastes" them and is not responsible for its content and the opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect my views and opinions.

Received on::

9 April 2005     Over 3,000 Civilians Killed in Chechnya in Last 5 Years
Northern Caucasus: Commission allocates €22,5/28 million for victims of conflict in Chechnya
European Commission to promote “export of democracy” in the Caucasus

6 April 2005     
New report by the IHF
"Chechnya: More of the Same. Extrajudicial killings, Enforced "Disappearances", Illegal Arrests, Torture"

14 Chechen refugees detained in Transcarpathia
The president's aide: No one knows a precise number of kidnapped people in Chechnya
Ombudsman Confirms Violation of Human Rights
Russian persecution of Muslims increases
Three people kidnapped during the past twenty-four hours in Chechnya

2 April 2005
    Local man abducted, found dead
Lukin Blames All Sides in Chechnya
"Clean-up" operations and abductions in Chechnya
AI: Russian Federation: Russian police officer found guilty of crimes against the civilian population in the Chechen Republic
Sweep underway in Chechen village
Four people kidnapped in Achkhoi-Martanovsky district
Major Embezzlement Uncovered in Chechnya Restoration Program
Mashadov's Family has Officially Requested Aslan Mashadov's Body from the State Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation

30 March 2005     Russian Policeman Jailed for 11 Years for Torturing Chechen Detainee
Local government official abducted in Chechnya
Detentions of Chechens underway
Various reports from the Chechen Republik

29 March 2005     Rebel leaders' relatives abducted, destiny still unknown
Boyeviks who wore soldiers' uniforms kill Chechen clergymen

24March 2005
    Human Rights Watch: Worse Than a War “Disappearances” in Chechnya—a Crime Against Humanity

Authorities put pressure on Ingushetia.Ru website
Former Russian Minister Faces Danish Lawsuit for Chechnya War Crimes
Human rights catastrophe
Accepting genocide
New victim of extrajudicial execution
Urus-Martan district. The administrative head in the village Tangi-Chu abducted

20March 2005
    We Fear for the Safety of Our Colleagues in the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society

Reports from the Chechen Republic
Prosecutors Withhold Real Death Toll of Moscow Theater Siege
Civil protests in Chechen Republic

17 March 2005     Editor of IC RCFS Oksana Chelysheva subjected to personal threats

RUSSIA: Authorities intensify persecution of independent newspaper
Occupants have captured relatives of Dokku Umarov
Still no data on Maskhadov's missing relatives - rights activists
Reports from the Chechen Republic

16 March 2005
FSB interrogates Chechen correspondents from IC RCFS
Continuing Prosecution of the Chechen Committee for National Salvation (ChCNS)

SRCF Press Release No. 1206, 1207
Rights activists demand Maskhadov's body be returned
Maskhadov house blown up by Russian authorities
Maskhadov body furore escalates
Chechens in Jordan launch protest
The Anti-Semitic Roots of Anti-Chechen Propaganda

14 March 2005

Russian Federation/Chechnya: Human Rights Concerns for the 61st Session of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights
Russian Soldiers Forced to Sign Contract to Fight in Chechnya
Now let the Chechens select their leaders

11 March 2005
    Aslan Maskhadov Killed

Appeal from the family of Aslan Maskhadov to the leaders of the countries of the world community
Russians split on killing of Chechen
Overwhelming majority of Chechens regret Maskhadov’s death

Women of Beslan Take to Streets on Women's Day
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