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KC: 500 Chechens To Forcibly Deport From Norway

posted by eagle on March, 2011 as Human Rights

500 Chechens to forcibly deport from Norway

Publication time: Today at 14:18 Emirate time 

The forcible deportation of Chechens from Norway to Russia with unbelted police beatings arecontinuing. According to human rights activist, Akhmed Gisayev, at least 500 more people are preparing for deportation.

Denials of asylum in Norway have been made for a few more families at the moment. In the near future they will be sent to Russia. 

"This will happen as soon as he certain number of people on the expulsion is to fill the plane. The denials, according to lawyers, all are baseless after all", said Akhmed Gisayev.


The evicted families are threatened. "The denial was, for example, made to a man from Tsentoroi, whose brother was killed in the center of Chechen capital Jokhar. Norwegian immigration police believe it is not dangerous for this man to stay in Chechnya. 

It has also been denied asylum for a Chechen, whose 11 relatives had been killed in Russia. Moreover, he was repeatedly detained and tortured. Norwegian authorities told him - in Chechnya - "it is not dangerous", - said Gisayev. 

Norwegian Minister of Justice confirmed the deportations would be continued. "They have a draft-agreement with the Embassy of Russia", added Gisayev.


According to the testimony of human rights defender, chairman of the Civic Assistance Committee, Svetlana Gannushkina, this deportation is simplified by the law on readmission adopted several years ago.

"Unlike the deportees, the readmissioned are not prohibited to enter back into the country. There are many more things that seem to have been simply an easy way to return. In this case, it is not the case; it is not quite ease thing for a person. Especially if it is dangerous to him to return, no guarantees provided by readmission as well as ordinary deportation", said Gannushkina. 

According to human rights defenders, people who deported from Norway, are not recognized as refugees, "nobody is going to deal with them, and it is believed that there is no danger in returning to Russia". 

"Maybe all that is happening now is a political issue. Hard to say. Maybe Russia and Norway have general oil interests. Although, Norway seemingly should be the most independent country of our gas and oil, because it is richer than Russia. Nevertheless, all this is happening. In this case, the Chechens themselves there does not show any negativity, the issue of security is not worth it", added Gannushkina.


Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center

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