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KC: Another Trial Over Muslim Egle Kusaite Begins In Lithuania. This Time Behind Closed Doors

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Human Rights

Another trial over Muslim Egle Kusaite begins In Lithuania. This time behind closed doors

Last update: 23 December 2010, 15:35 
Publication time: 23 December 2010, 14:19 

Clearly, the FSB and its Lithuanian partners have something to hide.

On 23 December, a "Vilnius district court" ruled that the case of the Lithuanian Muslim Egle Kusaite, falsely accused of terrorism by the Russian terrorist gang KGB-FSB and its Lithuanian accomplices, would be held in closed hearings.

This provoked outrage both by Kusaite and the people who gathered to support her.

"The court has ruled to hold closed sessions, everyone who is not involved in the process, is asked to leave the room", said Virginija Svediene, chairman of the board of judges Virginija Svediene.


This statement caused outrage - the court ruled in advance. "What are you afraid of, give the reasons", the crowd asked.


"Honorable court, I ask to consider my case at a public session, I want the public to be fully informed about my case", said Kusaite, but the biased judge said she was not yet given a word, so there'll be no reaction to her request.


After that, a support group of Kusaite left, but soon Kusaite came out of the courtroom, and it turned out that she demanded to remove the board of judges.

"I am convinced they do not intend to objectively consider my case, they want to imprison me and by doing that to break me, said Kusaite.


"They intend to carry out a massacre", she emphasized, noting that Lithuanian prosecutor general's office asked for closed doors.

It is to be recalled that with the knowledge and consent of this very "prosecutor's office", the Muslim girl was subjected to tortures in a Lithuanian prison by Russian FSB-KGB thugs who came from Moscow.


Meanwhile, the Polish news agency PAP reported that "the court" rejected Kusaite's application for a change of the team of 3 punitive "judges", who illegally proclaimed the trial to be held in closed hearing to conceal brutal tortures against the Muslim girl, both physical and psychological, by both the FSB-KGB terrorists who come specifically for this purpose from Moscow and by local accomplices of Russian terrorists, so-called "Lithuanian prosecutors, and officers of the brutal Lithuanian political police, acting on orders they received from Moscow.


Agence France Presse, in turn, reported that the next session of this dubious "court" (with closed hearing)s over a 21-year old Muslim Kusaite would be held in March 2011.

The Times said that a session of the "trial" in Vilnius lasted for 3 hours on December 23.


Meanwhile it is reported that Lithuania again started to follow the Big Brother's course. Rather than to demand the release of the Lithuanian Muslim Egle Kusaite, who was arbitrarily charged and subjected to brutal Russian tortures, "the parliament committee on foreign affairs" at a meeting on December 22 adopted a resolution which calls for "immediate" release of a Lithuanian citizen, Russian terrorist Olga Marzhevskaya, and even other (non-Lithuanian) "protesters" detained during "the protests in Minsk", who on the instructions from the Russian terrorist gang FSB participated in the coup attempt in Minsk on December 19.


Meanwhile, the Lithuanian "attorney general's office" decided not to initiate an investigation into the complaint of the Muslim girl Egle Kusaite who was falsely accused of "terrorism" for the adoption of Islam. #


The girl stated that during a so-called "investigation", which was staged by the Russian terrorist gang KGB-FSB with the consent of the Lithuanian "prosecutor general's office" and the brutal Lithuanian state security police, she was beaten by " investigators" who came from Moscow to knock out from her a "testimony" needed by the gangsters. 

After reading the case materials and other important information, a prosecutor of from the "attorney general's office" solemnly stated that the complaint of Muslim girl is allegedly "unsubstantiated by any objective data".

According to the Lithuanian "prosecutor general" and Russian thugs from the "federal security service (FSB)", "there were no acts committed with elements of a crime".


Miss Kusaite filed a complaint to the "attorney general's office" against Lithuanian "attorney generals" and Russian state terrorists back on July 2, 2010.


According to this "attorney general's office", Miss Kusaite has a latrine Democracy's "right" to appeal within 7 days against the ruling. Appeal in Lithuania and other World Democracy's countries in political cases always leads to nothing.

Earlier, another friend of Russia, a so called "parliament's controller", Romas Valentukyavichyus, also "found no evidence" that Miss Kusaite who was falsely accused of "terrorism", was beaten in prison by Russian terrorists from KGB-FSB network.


The "controller" surprised the public stating that "it is difficult to find out what was done 5-6 months ago, but the case documents refute the words of the girl".

According to the "controller", the facts about the beatings of the Muslim girl by Russian thugs in the Lithuanian prison should have been registered by Lithuanian prosecutors in their concocted political "case file".


Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center

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