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KC: Do Russia And Austria Conspire Behind The Back Of Chechen Refugees?

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Human Rights

Do Russia and Austria conspire behind the back of Chechen refugees?

Publication time: 17 December 2010, 15:30 

The Austrian state news agency APAreports about new developments around Chechen refugees in Austria:

"A political warming occurred between Austrian interior minister Maria Fekter and her Russian colleague Nurgaliyev (see photo) at a meeting in Moscow.

During her working visit to Russia, Fekter was received in the Kremlin - an honor that is very rarely granted for simple ministers.


The visit's topic was "hot". A way has been paved for a new agreement on deportation of refugees from Austria to Russia in negotiations with the Russian Federal Migration Service. This agreement will not affect many cases. This year 36 people were deported to Russia, but 516 Russian citizens returned voluntarily (? - KC).


For several years, refugees from Russia were the largest group in Austrian asylum statistics. However, in 2010, asylum applications were filed only by 1,900 Russian citizens, which is significantly less than in previous years.


Meanwhile, the number of Russian citizens receiving refugee status sharply declined. In 2006, this status was given to 71% asylum seekers, but in 2009, the asylum was given in only 30% of cases.


However, the number of deportations to Russia is still small. This is due to the fact that the majority of asylum seekers are from Chechnya, where Putin's protege Kadyrov is ruling. 

That is why it is pracrically impossible to be deport most of the Chechens, who are denied the refugee status.

In an interview with Austrian state radio, Fekter said: "We will send Austrian policemen to Chechnya, so that they get a better understand about the situation on site (i.e., Kadyrov will tell them that sending him Chechen refugees from Austria is possible and desirable - KC). Currently, 25,000 Chechens are residing in Austria.


It's about Chechnya that the talks were held in Moscow on Wednesday. Fekter signed a security partnership agreement with Nurgaliyev. Its goal is a coordinated action in the field of terrorism.

As has previously been reported, only last week a resident of Lower Austria, a Chechen, was arrested on suspicion of terrorism, the APA reports on December 16.

Russian media outlets have not reported a single word about the conspiracy of terrorist policemen against Chechen refugees. Fekter was surely received in the Kremlin not because of her ugly, shameless eyes.


An Austrian newspaper Kurier supplied additional information about the conspiracy against Chechens (see photo of the signing the Anti-Chechen Agreemet, it looks like a Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact). The newspaper writes:

"Russian and Austrian authorities will closely cooperate in the future against Islamic terror. Russian citizens could be deported easily for crimes. In addition, Austrian Evaluation Office (it evaluates refugees, whether to give them asylum or not - KC) attached to the Refugee Administration will get access to the troubled region of Chechnya.

Austria and Russia have common interests in fighting Islamists, as shown by the arrest of an alleged Chechen terrorist (in fact, he is only a dissident - KC) from Neunkirchen.


The official's (policemen - KC) from both countries will actively share their experience, first of all, the special units, such as EKO COBRA and WEGA (Austrian SWAT - KC). An Austrian liaison officer in Moscow and a Russian official in Vienna will ensure a rapid data exchange.


Chechnya, however, remains a special case. On one hand, terrorists are trying to obtain asylum in the West (the West has a too high opinion about itself - KC).

On the other hand, there are Chechens, who are entitled to the asylum status. A decision basis for the Federal Asylum Administration are "Country Records". They are formed by intelligence and newspaper reports only, and they are considered by all parties as unsatisfactory. The optimal solution is an investigation on site.


Until now, the Russian side rejected this idea. Now, Austrian officials may receive permission to enter Russia for investigations (in short, Russian terrorists from the gangs FSB-KGB, MIA, and Kadyrov himself will now decide to whom the political asylum may be given in Austria - KC)".


Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center

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