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TheStarOnline: Kasparov, Nemtsov & Yashin On Moscow’s Ethnic Riots

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Human Rights

Kasparov, Nemtsov & Yashin on Moscow’s Ethnic Riots

The threats follow a weekend of ethnically-targeted violencein Moscow and St. Petersburg, after a young Russian football fan was allegedly killed by men from the North Caucasus. Police had earlier released the suspected killers, leading to speculation that they had paid off the police.

Prominent Russian opposition leaders Garry Kasparov, Boris Nemtsov, and Ilya Yashin have issued this joint statement in response to the violence.

A Different Path
Statement in regards to the massive turmoil in Moscow

On December 11, 2010, several thousand young people gathered in the center of Moscow to protest the murder of Yegor Sviridov. The demonstration ended with massive clashes with the police, pogroms, and the injuries of dozens of citizens.

The turmoil began after law enforcement agencies released the persons suspected of the murder from detention.

We believe that the reasons for the release of these persons are at the bottom of the corrupt nature of law enforcement agencies.

It was precisely corruption and lawlessness that provoked the turmoil in Moscow.

The corruption of the prosecutor’s office and the incompetency of the courts and the police systematically allow murderers and bandits to escape justice. This is leading to the inevitable growth of criminality, including of an ethnic type.

Distrust of the law enforcement system by society inevitably leads to a revolt by its most radical part. The Nazis found an excuse for ethnic pogroms. We condemn nationalistic reprisals and speak out against any instances of xenophobia.

We call upon Russian society to achieve changes in our country through peaceful and nonviolent methods.

Corruption, violence, and revolt – this is a direct path to Russia’s demise.

December 12, 2010

Garry Kasparov
Boris Nemtsov
Ilya Yashin

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