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CK: Advocate Of Suspects Of Organizing Vladikavkaz Terror Act Complains Of Having No Access To Her Clients

posted by eagle on December, 2010 as Human Rights

Advocate of suspects of organizing Vladikavkaz terror act complains of having no access to her clients

Dec 02 2010, 22:10

Inspectors would not allow private advocate Aza Yandieva to her clients - Islam Khashagulgov and Yusup Dzangiev, suspected of terrorist activities and currently kept in Vladikavkaz at the temporary isolation facility (known as "IVS") of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The advocate is sure that her clients are under pressure.

The refusal to admit the advocate is explained by alleged Khashagulgov's and Dzangiev's unwillingness to be defended by advocates from Ingushetia and Chechnya, Ms Yandieva told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

"Surely, they were provided with state advocates, but they are all dummies and don't protect but rather play on the prosecution's side; while both defendants are suspected of serious crimes, in particular, of involvement in illegal armed formations," she added.

Let us note here that the opinions of the state advocates appointed to Dzangiev and Khashagulgov are unknown.

Vladimir Efremov, one of the investigators dealing with the case, asserted that in any case everything was done according to the law.

Magomed Khazbiev, head of the public organization "Fair Ingushetia", links what is happening with the general wave of illegitimate actions, aimed, in his opinion, against residents of Ingushetia.

Relatives and the advocate of Khashagulgov and Dzangiev addressed through the "Caucasian Knot" to human rights defenders asking them to get into the situation and help to ensure fair trial.

See earlier reports: "The wife of a resident of Ingushetia lost in Dagestan asks Director of State Security Service to find out his location," "Issa Khashagulgov's advocates insist on his innocence," "Dzangiev suspected of Vladikavkaz terror act earlier figured in murder case in Ingushetia."

Author: Ekaterina SeleznevaSource: CK correspondent

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