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CK: In Moscow, Caucasians' Wives State Kidnapping Of Their Husbands By Power Agents

posted by eagle on October, 2010 as Human Rights

In Moscow, Caucasians' wives state kidnapping of their husbands by power agents

Oct 08 2010, 23:20

In late September five of the natives of the Caucasus disappeared in Russian capital; their relatives suggest that they were detained by security agents and kept in one of Moscow's detention facilities. The wives of two of them - Zelimkhan Chibiev and Magomed Israpilov - told about it to human rights activists and asked for legal assistance.

According to the applicants, all the disappearances knew each other.

Aneta Sushneva, wife of one of the missing persons, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that on October 2 they turned to the OVD (District Interior Division) of Dolgoprudny. "Then, together with Xenia Nazhmutdinova, we went to Tsaritsino, as we learned that our husbands had been seen there for the last time. As I understand, five men were kidnapped in total. My husband and Xenia's husband were driving in their cars in one direction. I was waiting for my husband at home; I talked to him at six in the evening, and he said that he would be home soon. Xenia's husband called at one at night and also said that he was going home. However, after nine o'clock in the evening, when I phoned my husband, he didn't answer, and after midnight his phone gave no signals," she said.

Aneta added that when she went to the militia, she was told nothing in particular; while Olga, wife of another missing person - Magomed Dzhamalov - was told, when she addressed the militia, that she "was not a close relative to the disappearance."

According to Aneta's story, the unofficial information, which Olga's mother managed to get from militiamen in the district, where Sushneva lives, on September 24 three persons were detained. "Allegedly, there was a skirmish, and militiamen wounded some of our relatives. Allegedly, some robbery was committed on that day. The militiamen promised to give more details, if any, and took telephone number of Olga's mother. On the following day they called and said that the information had confirmed and that our men were detained, one of them was wounded. Then I started calling to the on duty unit and investigatory group," she said.

She added that later different and contradictory information regarding the incident arrived from the same militiamen. Women were told that their men were detained because of external resemblance with some criminals and sent to Lubyanka. Sushneva believes that all the facts indicate that militiamen had to do with the disappearances.

Oleg Orlov, head of the Human Rights Centre "Memorial", said that his organization had filed requests to the ICPO, militia and Prosecutor General.

See earlier reports: "Relatives of Ingush residents kidnapped in St Petersburg hope for help of ECtHR," "Two persons wounded in Dagestan at kidnapping attempt, local resident reports," "European Court acknowledged Russia guilty of disappearance of women in Chechnya."

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