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CK: Constitutional Court Would Not Consider The Complaint Of "Voice Of Beslan"

posted by eagle on May, 2009 as Human Rights

Constitutional Court would not consider the complaint of "Voice of Beslan"

may 07 2009, 18:00

Russian Constitutional Court refused to consider the complaint lodged by the All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan", asking to recognize point 2 of Article 14 of the Federal Law contradicting to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

"We filed a complaint to the Constitutional Court against the Federal Law, part 2, Article 14, which says that no negotiations shall be held in response to terrorists' political demands. We found this provision of the Law contradicts the Constitution, which guarantees life (part 1, Article 2), and asked to recognize this Law as contradictory to Russian Constitution, since it broke the right of Beslan hostages to life. We had addressed the Constitutional Court for four times. And now they made a decision to reject our complaint, since it fails to meet the requirements of the federal law of Constitution. This decision is final and can't be appeal against," said Ella Kesaeva, leader of the "the Voice of Beslan".

The answer of the Constitutional Court to the Beslan victims' complaint says: "The estimation of the justification, expediency of actions and decisions made by executive bodies and officials while carrying out a counterterrorist operation, in particular, the model of suppressing an act of terrorism, finally chosen by them: use of force or negotiations, same as the tactics of organizing negotiations are outside the competence of the Constitutional Court."

See earlier reports: ""Voice of Beslan" demands international investigation of Beslan terror act," "Court of Beslan to consider issue of pensions to parents of perished children," ""Voice of Beslan" to appeal against court ruling on victims' complaint against inspectors."

Author: Emma MarzoevaSource: CK correspondent

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