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Kidnapped citizen of North Korea hiding from Special Services

posted by zaina19 on November, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/11/2007 2:08 AM
10.11.2007 19:35 MSK
Kidnapped citizen of North Korea hiding from Special Services
RUSSIA, Moscow. On November 8, the human rights center "Memorial" and the "Civil Assistance" Committee reported that North Korean citizen Dzhong Kuhn Chol, who disappeared from the Moscow regional administration offices of the Russian Federal Migration Service (UFMs), was sent to Khabarovsk.

On November 2, at the invitation of the Moscow regional UFMS, Dzhong Kuhn Chol appeared at the UFMS receiving area at Pyatnitskoy St. No. 2, bringing with him evidence concerning the examination of his petition for the assignmnet of refugee status as well as certification from the administration of the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, confirming his registration with the organization.

He immediately phoned his wife Anna Nikanorova and reported that he had been told to wait half and hour. From this point on, she obtained no further information from him. On the morning of November 3, she reported to the "Civil Assistance"committee and reported that Dzhong Kuhn Chol had not yet returned home.

At midnight on November 8, Dzhong Kuhn Chol called a friend and gave him a tlephone number where his wife could reach him. Anna called the number indicated and heard her husband's voice. Dzhong Kuhn Chol reported that after arriving at the UFMS, he was forcibly put into a car and taken to the Vnukov Airport and sent to Khabarovsk under a false name. His assumption is that the action was conducted by the FSB. From the men's conversations he also understood that they intended - again under the false name - to take Dzhong to North Korea.

Dzhong Kuhn Chol was taken to a building, located, by his estimation, not far from the airport. After seizing a moment when he was left alone in the room, Dzhong jumped out the window of the fourth floor and ran. At the time of the telephone conversation he was hiding with people who had given him shelter and permitted him to use the telephone.

Dzhong was very frightened and asked his wife to immediately do what she could to rescue him.

Anna Nikanorova appealed to to the "Civil Assistance" Committee, who helped her appeal to the Authorized Human Rights officer under President of Russia, Vladimir Lukin, with a request to approach the procuratorship. The appeal emphasized that the fate of Dzhong Kuhn Chol must be resolved in accordance with the laws of Russia.

When "Civil Assistance" committee members attempted contact Dzhong Kuhn Chol in order to obtain more details about what had occurred, they were told that no one by Dzhong's name had ever been at that number. They were asked not to call again.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2007-11-08-Rus-12]

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