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EU-Russia human rights dialogue must be more public, include

posted by zaina19 on September, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/28/2007 7:46 PM
 11:00 GMT, Sep 28, 2007   
 EU-Russia human rights dialogue must be more public, include
NGOs -human rights activists
     MOSCOW.  Sept  28  (Interfax) - Russian human rights activists have
proposed changing the format of talks on human rights between Russia and
the European  Union.  The next round of talks is scheduled to be held in
Brussels in early October.
     "We  suggest  changing the format of these talks, to make them more
public,"  head  of the Russian human rights center, Memorial, Oleg Orlov
told Interfax on Friday.
     "We   are   seeking   an   official   status  for  non-governmental
organizations  at  the  talks,  because it turns out that Russian and EU
officials  might  discuss  something  there  behind  closed  doors.  Why
wouldn't  they  invite  expert,  non-governmental  organizations?" Orlov
     The EU expressed a willingness to expand the format to include more
participants to the talks on human rights, he said. "The trouble is that
the Russian delegation is reluctant to put civil society representatives
on the list of the participants," Orlov said.
     Human  rights  activists  would  like to meet with delegations from
Russia and  the  European  Union  in  order  to  give  them  independent
assessments on the human right situation, he said.
     "Unfortunately,  the Russian delegation sent a refusal motivated by
the fact  that  consultations  on  human  rights  are  being  held on an
intergovernmental level and there is no place for human rights activists
there. The Russian delegation is simply refusing to meet with us," Orlov
     EU  officials  will  meet with a group of Russian and international
human rights  activists  in  Brussels before official EU-Russia talks on
human rights.
     At  a  meeting  with  EU officials on October 2, Memorial activists
will hand over their reports on the situation in Chechnya, in Ingushetia
and on human  rights  violations experienced by foreigners deported from
     The  meeting  will be attended by leading Russian and international
nongovernmental    organizations.   Attendees   will   include   Amnesty
International,  Human Rights Watch, Memorial, Moscow Helsinki Group, For
Human Rights  Movement, the Demos Center, the Civil Assistance Committee
and others.

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