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A frightening tragedy occurs in Polish mountains

posted by zaina19 on September, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/20/2007 1:49 PM

A frightening tragedy occurs in Polish mountains
Warsaw/Agency Caucasus – Already hit by war, the Chechens seem unable to stop themselves from suffering continuous tragedies. Believed to have sought shelter in Europe after a long battle with wild life across the mountainous areas, three children from a family could not survive cold and hunger.

Polish front guards found dead bodies of three girls in the Bieszczady Mountain , near the border to . Front guards happened to find on Thursday night an exhausted woman with her two-year-old kid on her lap near the town of  Ustrzyki Dolne, according to Eljbeta Pikor, a spokesperson for the Polish front forces. “The woman to whom the front guards talked to was a Chechen. Her name was Kamisa D. She pointed towards the point where her three daughters had been left. Rescue workers found dead bodies of the three girls at midnight. The kids were aged 6, 10 and 13. The mother and her two-year-old kid were hospitalized. Their health condition is going well.”

The dead girls were identified as Haya (13), Ceda (10) and Elina (6). The name of the hospitalized kid is Magomed.

Polish officials found out that the family spent four days in the mountain. Because the doctors do not allow further police investigation, what exactly happened with the family remains unknown. Front guards, however, think that the Chechen woman was trying to cross the Polish border without official permission to do so, and was lost in the mountain while she was seeking a way through into .

Security officers tend to think that the kids died of extreme cold and hunger as they were left alone in the mountains. Zygmunt Slabik, the prosecutor who ordered inquiry into the deaths, avoided blaming the mother for the deaths, because she probably was not well aware of the mountainous conditions. “All of them were dressed in summer clothes and one of them had even not shoes on.”

Officials said that 3,600 Chechens applied this year alone to the Polish government to be granted refugee status.



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