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Alla Dudayeva’s Appeal to Chechen Refugees

posted by zaina19 on August, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/29/2007 2:36 AM
August, 26, 2006


Alla Dudayeva’s Appeal to Chechen Refugees

Alla Dudayeva, Deputy Minister of Culture of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
CHECHENPRESS, 26 August 2007


On 16 August 2006 the media published the open letter from Said-Emin Ibragimov to the UN, EU and Council of Europe. Mr. Ibragimov demands that these organizations consider the Chechen question from the legal viewpoint and make a decision as to whether they recognize Russia’s inhuman activities in Chechnya as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. He also warned he would go on a termless hunger strike after 6 September.

There was no reply. Ibragimov’s voice remained that of one crying in the wilderness of human cruelty.

Since 25 January 2006 any discussion of the Chechen question was stopped in the UN and Council of Europe, since the Russian government had warned these organizations that ‘consideration of the Chechen question was unacceptable’. Russian government’s false claims that the war in Ichkeria is over are merely an attempt to avoid responsibility. As soon as the electoral campaign is over in Russia, and a new appointee of the Kremlin is firmly in power, Russia will renew annihilation of the Vainakh people. Even now, without even introducing a state of emergency, it commits crimes in Ingushetia. It robs and murders Ingushs, trades their dead bodies and destroys their houses, just like it did for all these years in Ichkeria.

What can we do to put the Russian war criminals on trial of justice?

None of us, least of all I, want to see Said-Emin dying. Can anything less than that make the world see the protest from Said-Emin Ibragimov, the human rights activist desperated by the indifference of the Western justice institutions?

His mortal challenge is no smaller than the righteous battles of our field commanders. Said-Emin Ibragimov is fighting for our rights for 16 years now. Seven similar demonstrations, totaling 185 days of starvation, were fruitless. Last year, he nearly died on a hunger strike.

How can we save Said-Emin’s life this time, if he goes on another hunger strike after 6 September, as he promised in his second appeal?

Shall we once again ignore his appeal, like we did before, when he suffered starvation alone. Then, his sacrifice was in vain. Or shall we join him and support him with common rallies of protest all over Europe?

Everyone shall do as his consciousness tells him.

If you are one of those who, after reaching prosperous Europe, have so easily forgotten our hanged, mutilated, tortured to death countrymen – then sleep well. Let Said-Eman starve and die for you, like those who keep fighting in the mountains of faraway Ichkeria.

But I appeal to those whose consciousness is still alive. Let us force the criminal government of Russia to respond for its atrocities against the Chechen nation to a European court.

All the Chechen envoys in every European country should support Said-Eman’s protest.

All the Chechen human rights activists should show themselves worthy to be called so. It is time to defend our nation’s right for life, its honour and dignity.

Russian war criminals from the bloody FSB should respond – for the First and Second Russo-Chechen Wars they have mongered; for blowing-up their own sleeping countrymen in the apartment blocks of Moscow and Volgodonsk; for hundreds of civilians poisoned in Nord-Ost with Zorin gas, prohibited by the Geneva Convention; for international terrorist attacks on Qatar and London, using radioactive Polonium-210. They should respond for millions of deaths of Russians, Chechens and all he others, who were tortured to death in concentration camps, prisons and jails of Russian empire. They should respond for all the future terrorist attacks in European cities, which they are secretly preparing now to intimidate Western governments.

The quite voices of our heroes, unburied Chechen martyrs, call us to avenge them. May the murderers of our nations stand an international trial!

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