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"Dagestan Mothers" intend to continue their protest actions

posted by zaina19 on August, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/15/2007 6:58 AM

"Dagestan Mothers" intend to continue their protest actions

Today, representatives of the "Dagestan Mothers" public organization have addressed their applications to the Prosecutor's Office of Dagestan against the employees of law enforcement bodies, who were involved, in their opinion, in kidnapping and torturing the young men, who disappeared this April; the applicants have also stated that they will continue their hunger strike until they receive any information about the missing persons.

The "Echo Moskvy" Radio informs that Svetlana Isaeva, leader of the "Dagestan Mothers" movement, said in one of TV broadcasts that one of the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) "said, in the presence of several parents, that the kidnapped guys had been kept in the building of the Organized Crime Combating Unit (UBOP), he described them and indicated all their specific features." Gulnara Rustamova, one of the activists of the organization, has added that at the meeting of the parents of kidnapped persons with the Public Prosecutor and MIA's employees "that very officer said that S. Isaeva was lying and he would bring an action against her for slander."

"Today, we have filed an application stating that a passenger car for several days already is constantly on duty near our houses," G. Rustamova has noted. "At the Prosecutor's Office, our application was rejected, and we were told that that there was no fact of crime in it."

See earlier reports: "Militia violently disperses meeting of "Dagestan Mothers"."

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