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Police break up Borozdinovsk refugee demonstration

posted by zaina19 on July, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/2/2007 6:46 AM
2.7.2007 12:42 MSK
Police break up Borozdinovsk refugee demonstration
RUSSIA, Daghestan. The For Human Rights movement reported on June 28 that on June 27, the police broke up a demonstration held by former inhabitants of the Cossack village of Borozdinovsk, who now live in the Nadezhda camp in the Kizlyar region of Daghestan. An activist of the Mothers of Borozdinovsk Committee of Kizlyar, Suduz Fakhrudinova, was severely beaten and sentenced to five days of administrative arrest "for resisting the police".

The Kurmagamedovy brothers—Gadzhimurat and Shamil—received the same sentence. They are all being held in the City Internal Affairs Division of Kizlyar. For Human Rights noted in their communication that the true reason for their sentences was their attempt to film the police breakup of the protest action on their cell phones.

The coordinators of the Organizing Committee of the Conference of Public Organizations on the Situation in the Republics of the North Caucasus and Chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Ludmila Alekseyeva, and Executive Director of the For Human Rights movement, Lev Ponomarev, protested the violence used against participants in the Borozdinovsk demonstration.

The human rights activists issued a statement saying: "The prisoners must be freed immediately. The persecution of these residents of Borodinovsk, who are escaping the slaughter that took place in their Cossack village on June 4, 2005 and threats of violence from Kadyrovtsy in Chechnya, is a disgrace for Daghestan and the entire Russian Federation.

We completely support the following demands of the Mothers of Borozdinovsk Committee:
1) an investigation of the events of June 4, 2005, an explanation of the fates 11 missing Borozdinovsk residents, and the placing of responsibility on the soldiers of the "Vostok" Special Forces battalion of the GRU MO of the Russian Federation
2) the delivery of remains found in the charred ruins of Borozdinovsk for burial
3) compensation payments for lost property and aid in the adjusting to life in a new location in Daghestan.

Representatives of the leadership of the Republic of Daghestan must immediately meet with the representatives of Mothers of Borozdinovsk Committee, and with the relatives of those kidnapped during special operations from April - May. Refusing to rapidly, humanely, and lawfully resolve these urgent problems threatens to create sociopolitical destabilization ".

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2007-06-28-Rus-21]

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