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Forced migrants evicted from their homes in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on June, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/25/2007 6:55 PM

Forced migrants evicted from their homes in Chechnya

The administration of the Oktiabrskiy District and power agencies of Chechnya have commenced compulsory eviction of forced migrants out of their homes, the Internet portal Kasparov.Ru informs with reference to the

On June 21, representatives of the district administration arrived to the temporary residence facility (TRF) named "Okruzhnaya," located in the Oktiabrskiy District of Chechnya, and started, together with local power agencies, violent eviction of residents.

The belongings of the TRF inhabitants were taken out into the street, and the rooms were sealed up. However, the reasons of the eviction are still unknown.

According to eyewitnesses, two "Ikarus" buses and the trucks that arrived from the Urus-Martan District drove into the territory of the TRF; the TRF residents, registered in this district, were "suggested" to load up their things and leave the territory of the camp.

The forced migrants inform that power agents were throwing things out of houses and behaved extremely aggressively. Any attempts to explain the situation and appeals to power authorities not to undertake this sort of actions were ignored.

The "Caucasian Knot" has already informed that the administration of Grozny had temporarily stopped allocating apartments from the municipal housing fund. The Mayor's Office of the capital of Chechnya asserts that the reason for the suspension lies in the facts of swindling at the temporary residence facilities (TRFs) of forced migrants located in the city of Grozny.

"On the order of the head of administration of Grozny Muslim Khuchiev, allocation of municipal apartments to citizens was temporarily stopped. The reason is that after the conducted inspections in a number of TRFs located in Grozny numerous facts of swindling have been revealed. The facts are related to the situation, when citizens who have their own flats and houses are living in the camps as forced migrants and claim for reception of municipal housing," a source from the city administration told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to his story, at night on June 18 Mayor of the Chechen capital Muslim Khuchiev, and Apti Alavdinov, head of the Department for Fighting Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chechnya, together with representatives of district administrations conducted checks in the TRFs of forced migrants located in Michurin and Chernorechye villages (Oktiabrskiy and Zavodskoj Districts of the city of Grozny).

During the inspection voyage it was found out that some of TRF residents have their own housing facilities; others have no city registration, but, nevertheless, apply for reception of apartments in Grozny. Besides, facts have been established of fictitious divorces of married couples with the aim to receive two separate apartments.

"Allocation to citizens of municipal apartments will be renewed only after thorough examination of the persons who have submitted corresponding documents on reception of apartments or land plots within the city boundaries. First of all, it refers to the citizens who are living in TRFs, since municipal housing facilities were allocated basically to them," the official from the capital of Chechnya said.

See earlier reports: "Chechnya: TAC residents are forced out of their housing."

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