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Two activists of the "Defense" organization detained

posted by zaina19 on October, 2006 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/17/2006 6:28 PM
17.10.2006 20:30 MSK
Two activists of the "Defense" organization detained
RUSSIA, Moscow. On October 15, in Smolensky Square in Moscow, near the MID building, a demonstration was held against the expanded anti-Georgian campaign in Russia. The demonstration’s slogan was "End the hysterics!” The action was organized by the Russian Youth Movement "Defense", the People's Democratic Union of Young People and the Moscow SPS.

According to the "Defense", press-service, several people participated in the demonstration, expressing their disagreement with the actions of the authorities who are spreading xenophobia throughout Russian society. Participants in the action held posters reading:" No Georgians means no problems?", "Putin on Xachapuri", etc.

Several participants in pro-Kremlin youth organizations tried to break up the action. Some of them were robed in sheets bearing the inscription "Psikh". One of the "Psikhovs" went and stood on the roof of the nearest bus stop and began to scream out insults to the President of Georgia and participants in the action. He also shouted nationalistic slogans. "Defense" activist Roman Udot attempted to drag the violent "Psikh" from the roof. As a result, both were detained by police.

Roman Udot was sent to the MID building under the pretext of checking his documents. When the police vehicle attempted to leave, Udot’s comrade and “Defense” activist, Pavel Shaikin, rushed to his aid. His attempt to stop Roman’s abduction ended with the police breaking Pavel’s camera, after which they threw him into the same police car.

At the end of the action, the demonstration moved through the underground tunnel to the MID building in order to give diplomats a three-liter jar of valerian drink. However, no one from the Ministry came out for the calming drink, and the valerian remained at the entrance to MID.

Those detained were taken to the "Arbat” OVD . They were charged with administrative protocols, and will be transmitted to court. They are charged according to Article 20.1 of the Codes of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, which carries an arrest sentence of 15 days.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2006-10-16-Rus-16]

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