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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/19/2006 10:01 AM 19.7.2006 12:52 MSK Rustam Baibekov, the man who was shot in the face by a policeman, is demanding a million rubles from the state Rustam Baibekov Rustam Baibekov RUSSIA, Moscow. On

posted by zaina19 on July, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/19/2006 10:01 AM
19.7.2006 12:52 MSK
Rustam Baibekov, the man who was shot in the face by a policeman, is demanding a million rubles from the state
Rustam Baibekov
Rustam Baibekov
RUSSIA, Moscow. On July 31 Moscow’s Zamoskvoretskiy district court will start hearing a civil suit demanding compensation of the moral damages from the Russian Ministry of Finance. According to the announcement made on July 17 by the foundation “Obschestvenniy Verdict” (“Society’s Verdict”), Rustam Baibekov, the man who was shot in the face by a policeman, is demanding a million rubles from the state.

Lawyer Abusupian Gaitaev, supported by the human rights foundation “Obschestvenniy Verdict” is assisting the plaintiff.

Two years ago a 20 year old Rustam Baibekov and his friend tried to gain entrance to the metro station “Sokolniki” using the same ticket. Sergeant of the First police department of Moscow Metro System Boris Kostruba apprehended Mr. Baibekov – the passenger without the ticket, checked his papers and established that Mr. Baibekov does not have a registration permitting him to legally reside in the city of Moscow.

Inside the police station Boris Kostruba unlawfully threatened Mr. Baibekov with deportation from Russian Federation (by law, the police does not have the power of deportation, that is the prerogative of the courts) and then offered him to “pay a thousand rubles on the spot”. After Mr. Baibekov refused, citing lack of cash, the policeman drew his gun and shot Mr. Baibekov in the face.

Afterwards the investigators established that the policeman was shooting from his service weapon, but with unregistered ammo. The bullet has entered victim’s mouth and exited from his back. It is viewed as a miracle that Mr. Baibekov has survived at all. Later on he had to endure a few plastic surgeries.

After gravely wounding Mr. Baibekov, the policeman made no attempts at providing the first aid to his victim. In an effort to cover up his crime Mr. Kostruba kicked out his victim and other witnesses from his Metro police quarters and refused to call an ambulance.

On March 16, 2006 Moscow’s Preobrazhenskiy district court confirmed the sentence against the former sergeant of the First police department of Moscow Metro System Boris Kostruba. The former policeman was sentenced to 9 years in the “strict regime” penal colony. According to the court’s decision Mr. Kostruba would not be able to work in law enforcement for 3 years after his release. The former policeman was charged with an attempted murder, dereliction of duty and possession of illegal ammo.

Information agency PRIMA-News [2006-07-18-Rus-36]

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