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News Update

posted by zaina19 on March, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/30/2006 10:19 AM
News Update
Mar 23
    Russian Movement For Human Rights demanded the resignation of Nikolay Shepel, deputy prosecutor general in the Southern Federal District, alleging that he had a chauvinistic attitude to the peoples of the North Caucasus.
Mar 22     South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoiti said he plans to file a suit at Russia's Constitutional Court in pursuit of his aim of uniting South with North Ossetia within Russian borders.
Mar 22     Gennady Bukayev, aide to the Russian prime minister, told a meeting in Vladikavkaz that his country's leadership has agreed in principle that South Ossetia can accede to the Russian Federation.
Mar 22     The government of Cyprus demanded a guarantee from Azerbaijan that it will never recognise Turkish north Cyprus, and will not authorise flights to the unrecognised territory.
Mar 22     The World Health Organisation reported that avian flu virus H5N1 has already caused five deaths in Azerbaijan, and two more people have tested positive.
Mar 21     The Circassian Congress of Adygea appealed to the Secretariat of the Council of Europe's Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities for help to protect the Adygei (Circassian) people.
Mar 21     The Russian embassy in Georgia started issuing visas again following a one-month suspension.
Mar 21     Azerbaijan celebrated the traditional Novruz new year holiday.
Mar 20     Co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group for Karabakh met in Istanbul.
Mar 20     The Conservative Party of Georgia demanded the arrest of former president Eduard Shevardnadze, accusing him of high treason and an "attempt to violate the country's territorial integrity".
Mar 20     Newly-elected Chechen prime minister Ramzan Kadyrov asked for his republic to be granted the status of a free economic zone.
Mar 20     Residents of Kumtorkala, a village 15 kilometers north of Dagestan's capital Makhachkala, clashed with police in a dispute over distribution of land plots.
Mar 20     Irakli Alasania, head of the Abkhazian government-in-exile, was appointed as Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili's adviser on conflict settlement. He was replaced by Malkhaz Akishbaya.
Mar 20     The minimum pension in Georgia rose by five lari to 33 lari (18.33 US dollars). A similar rise is expected this September.
Mar 19     Yaver Jamalov, formerly of the Azneft oil firm, was appointed minister of the defence industry in Azerbaijan.
Mar 19     Georgian parliamentarians planning to work as OSCE election monitors were detained in the Belarussian capital Minsk as the presidential ballot got under way there.
Mar 18     Iran's embassy in Baku condemned speeches by delegates of the Second World Congress of Azerbaijanis who called for a "united Azerbaijan" - in other words Azerbaijan plus northwestern territories of Iran. The opposition Popular Front of Azerbaijan responded with a protest outside the Iranian mission.
Mar 17     Vladimir Putin removed Khachim Shogenov as interior minister of Kabardino-Balkaria, replacing him with Yuri Tomchak. Human rights activists welcomed Shogenov's departure.
Mar 20     The Memorial human rights group wrote to Ingushetia's president Murat Zyazikov saying attacks on Russians there have become more frequent.
Coming Up ...
Mar 27-28     Joint commission on the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict to meet in Vladikavkaz.
Mar     Islam for Peace forum to be held in Gudermes, Chechnya.

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