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Aappeal of the Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing

posted by zaina19 on January, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/1/2006 9:00 AM
December, 29, 2005

Aappeal of the Boston Group Against Ethnic Cleansing

To: Honorable Mr.  Kofi Annan, UN  Secretary-General


Dear Mr. Kofi Annan
Dear Sirs/Madams,

We at Boston Committee Against Ethnic Cleansing wholeheartedly support the claims that induced  Mr.Ibragimov’s permanent (unlimited) hunger strike started on December 10. Sofar, more that 2000 people in many countries, Chechens and non-Chechen, have participated  at the strike with different duration. But we are also much worried about Mr.Ibragimov physical condition.

Saidemin Ibragimov, head of International humanitarian organization “Peace and Human rights”, is famous with his great humanitarian and peace activities. He established this organization in Chechnya in 1993, even before the bloodshed broke out in 1994. In 1995, he was one of the most active organizers of the huge Peace March of Russian and Chechen Mothers, which had large impact. He organized 1000-mile Peace March during the first Chechen war (1996) that attract European countries and people of Russia to the cruel and ugly war, and drew near the 1996 Peace Agreement. He also made hunger strikes in Strasburg in 2001 and 2002 during the second genocidal war in Chechnya. His famous March of Peace from Paris to Strasburg was largely acknowledged and covered by media in France, USA and Germany.          

We greatly appreciate his heroic action in the sake of his suffering nation, which is under threat of extinction We have to mention that the democratic world leaders didn’t make a tiny step against Russia’s colonial war in Chechnya: continuous bloodshed in Chechnya, expelling the Chechens from all territory of Russia (although calling Chechnya a part of Russia); and now trying to access Western Europe, where a few thousand of Chechens found refuge; against total destruction, poisoning and mining the land of Chechnya.

In nowadays Internet-era, it is impossible to hide the ugly truth about the continuing war crimes committed by the Russian paramilitary against Chechen population, even under immense lie and anti-Chechen propaganda launched by the Kremlin and those, who are loyal to Putin’s antidemocratic regime. This definitely contributes to world’s insecurity and chaos. We fully agree with Mr.Ibragimov’s  words: Evil must be stopped, otherwise it will grow more and more”  Saidemin Ibragimov is ready to take the  burden of silent Europe on himself. We must save his life,

We address to high International organizations to join us and acknowledge Mr. Ibragimov’s claims for the sake of reason and humanity, and thus to ceise his hunger strike: We urge the members of UN, OSCE, and PACE:

To loudly, in the official and legal levels recognize and acknowledge grave human rights violations in Chechnya—killing, arbitrary detentions, tortures, mass kidnapping, and mass disappearance of civilians that are similar to Hitler’s Nazi action “Fog and Night” in occupied countries.

To begin elaborating measures and instruments, following the International  Commitments on ending war in Chechnya

To call leaders of Western countries, particularly France Belgium, Germany and

Austria to elaborate a comprehensive program for acceptance those few thousand of Chechens, who fled from Chechnya, and who otherwise would be killed or disappeared in the death zone of Chechnya; to improve life conditions for those who are granted asylum and may be called refugees

Under this acknowledgment we may urge Mr. Ibragimov to cease his hunger strike that is getting more and more dangerous for his health and life. We must prevent him from following the example of Russian dissidents fighting this way against GULAG.

We from our side and from many Bostonians and Americans from other cities and States urge Mr. Ibragimov to cease his action. We will spread out a word about dying Chechnya; we will work with American politicians to advocate for Chechens, for their right for Peace and Freedom

Dr.Victoria Poupko, President.

Chechenpress, 29.12.05.

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