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Lawyer Larisa Dorogova: “general Ermolov is back in the North Caucasus”

posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/8/2005 3:03 AM
Lawyer Larisa Dorogova: “general Ermolov is back in the North Caucasus”
KABARDINO-BALKARIA, 6 December, Caucasus Times. Search for those involved in the attack on Nalchik on 13-14 October this year is still continuing in Kabardino-Balkaria.

Lawyer Larisa Dorogova who is dealing with the cases of violation of rights of the Muslim population informed CaucasusTimes correspondent about the cases when armed patrols of the law enforcement agencies mostly from the neighboring regions stop city transport including taxi cabs, check the documents and often force men to leave transport to check their documents. At times, members of law enforcement agencies force local men to undress in order to check their undeclothes – there is quite widespread opinion in the region that vakhkhabists don’t wear underclothes.

There are numerous indications that Muslim believers are often harrassed in their working places. Thus, entrepreneur from the village of Shalushki who is owner of a shop, got an unofficial proposal from the auhorities to close his shop down. Main pretension was the fact that he does not sell vodka and cigarettes. One female employee of a kindergarden was fired just six months before her pension just because her son was involved in the 13 October events.

Many parents of killed Muslim believers started refusing to meet with the journalists since this can lead to undesirable consequences. Thus, son of Betal Dzagalov, inhabitant of Terek, was detained on 14 October. Later, on 18 October Betal Dzagalov found his son’s body among killed militants. Then after his meeting with foreign journalists he was called to the local Federal Secury Service and was asked there which journalists met with him and what questions did they ask. Inhabitant of the village of Zolukokoazhe Aminat Psanukova whose son died after beating (his relatives were told that he committed a suicide) also rejected to meet with the journalists.

There are indications that Muslim believers who rent apartments are forced by their landlords to leave their apartments. Landlords openly say that they were proposed to do so by law enforcement agencies.

Cases of tortures of those detained in connection with the 13 October events became known. Pictures of detainees with the signs of tortures have been recently received by the journalists.

Based on these facts, relatives of those who were killed on 13 Otober and later applied to all human rights organizations and to the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation.

Commenting on this situation, lawyer Larisa Dorogova said: “One has an impression that general Ermolov is back in the North Caucasus”.
Inga Babaeva, Nalchik, Caucasus Times

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