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Boarding of international law in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/8/2005 2:56 PM

Boarding of international law in Chechnya

The knavish tactics of Moscow, which, as today it’s already obvious, cannot change its approaches to the solution of the so-called "Chechen problem". The farcical idea of the Kremlin in the ruined and burnt utterly country once again shows how marionette structures spread.

Although, after the acceptance of the bill of that forbidding activity of public organizations in Russia, there is no more reason for Kremlin comrades to hide its mask behind the democratic masks, and they go in Chechnya to the boarding of all existing standards of international law occupied.

The timer of explosive device on one of the Kremlin towers did not have time yet to announce about the beginning of farce with the so-called "selections", as in Chechnya already reported - "frontier-guards voted".

The obvious nonsense and absurdity of this "elective" play doesn’t stop Moscow. Rationalism long ago has already left the Kremlin. Instead of to open eyes and to look to the reality, in Moscow prefer to amuse by illusions, and to introduce themselves and those surrounding in by trance- shaman incantations about the "curtailment and the wars" and "peaceful process" in Chechnya. Well then – it’s worse for Moscow.

Mindful people already long ago have noted that the thoughts (and fears, this is the same thoughts), govern people. Man, looped on any thought, personifies it into the tangible reality without noting.

Meanwhile the real situation in Chechnya is distant from the optimistic statements of Russian propaganda and agitation section. The war goes on by full speed In Chechnya. As a rule, occupational side wires for sound the numbers of the losses separately of the Ministry of Defense, MVD, FSB of Russia, but Russian MEDIA never give total numbers. However, European MEDIA speak about them.

In 2005 passed more than 523 incidents, connected with the attacks of the mujahadeen, whose substantial part occurred in the Chechen capital. The losses of occupational forces in this year exceeded data by 2003 and 2004, together with tokens. So, in 2003 the British newspaper "Guardian" asserted that in Chechnya were destroyed and injured 1,5 thousand occupiers, and others western MEDIA refer to number 1122 in the last year.

In 2005 on the calculations, made with the reference on the data of occupational sides, losses of Russians comprised not less than 3000 heads. Meanwhile according to the information of anonymous sources from the occupational command, daily into Russia from Chechnya arrive by Gruz -200 from 10 to 20 occupiers. Even according to this modest statistics, on the average number of annual losses of Russians goes off the scale for 5470 people.

However, instead of making of a logical conclusion about the need of changing the approach to the solution of problem, Kremlin riffraff feverishly prepares sequential machination, and situation becomes even more tangled, but one is clear - the course of events will go to the worse side. However, situation is presented in pink- blue tones in the reporting of the prokremlin MEDIA. Marionettes declare that allegedly are moved without difficulty in the republic. And in this is a portion of truth.

For example, the bandit Kadirov, until now, nevertheless hasn’t decided to be detained in one place more than two hour and caracoles on Chechnya as gipsy on Besarabii. Those knowing indicate that this prince from mud even into the toilet is forced to walk with the group of field engineers, and thus far the "hero of Russia" celebrates need, his cutthroats conduct monitoring after the adjacent locality.

That will the superstitious offset of man with the bull neck lives under the impression of the promise of his kingly cartridge "to moisten in the sorting", or in the memory rises the classical flight of father into the netherworld. Yes even to their mate, which in the depth of soul despise each other, does not separately entrust. All them unites only one - possibility of somehow to safeguard and with the appropriate situation not to be thrown out of the convoy into Russia, which forces them to press close to Kadirov.

Alkhazur Jalilov,


2005-12-08 19:29:00

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