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Zara Murtazalieva “to be transferred to new prison”

posted by zaina19 on December, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/23/2005 8:32 AM
22.12.2005 14:30 MSK
Zara Murtazalieva “to be transferred to new prison”
RUSSIA, Moscow. The committee Civil Assistance has received information that Zara Murtazalieva, at present in prison after having been falsely convicted of terrorism, is awaiting transfer from Potma prison colony. Held since April of this year, she is to be moved to a new location.

The committee wrote in a press release on 21 December that Zara was due in January 2006 for a three-day visit by relatives. This is allowed every three months for prisoners in such prison colonies.

She was last visited by her mother Toit in October this year. She said her daughter receives all letters sent to her, and writes replies. But these never reach their intended readers. Toit has received no letter from her daughter since October.

According to Toit, her daughter is under special control – in all probability the prison administration consider her “a potential escapee”.

Svetlana Gannushkina, chairwoman of the committee, directed an inquiry to Yuri Kalinin, director of the federal service of the Ministry of Justice, as to why Zara was being moved to another penal colony. She also raised the question of why this move should coincide with the next family visit, thus rendered impossible.

Civil Assistance wrote in its release to the press that on 17 January 2005, Moscow court judge Marina Komarova found Zara Murtazalieva guilty of involving her friends in terrorism and preparing terrorist strikes. She was sentenced by the judge to nine years’ imprisonment. On 17 March, the sentence was reduced on appeal by six months, as one of the charges was reformulated.

The committee mentioned that human rights activists firmly believe that based on examination with the details surrounding the case, the charges against the young Chechen woman were completely false.

The group Common Action has appealed to Amnesty International to have Zara Murtazalieva recognised as a political prisoner.

PRIMA News Agency [2005-12-21-Rus-39]

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