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State Duma adopted law-limiting rights of NGO’s in Russia

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/28/2005 1:27 AM
State Duma adopted law-limiting rights of NGO’s in Russia

The State Duma considered in the first reading a bill about toughening registration rules for noncommercial nongovernmental organizations.

With necessary 226 voices 370 deputies voted for the bill, against - 18, as 3 deputies refrained. They had stipulated that amendments to the bill should be sent to the profile committee till December, 4th then it would pass its second reading, "Interfax" reported.

Earlier substantive principles of the bill and the civil society’s reaction to it were commented to the correspondent of "Caucasian unit” by the member of the Advisory council by the Representative under human rights of Russian Federation, the president of the Center of development of democracy and human rights, member of the Secretary of the Coalition of public associations "For democratic alternative civil service" Jury Dzhibladze.

"The project is conceptually unacceptable. It contradicts the Constitution of Russian Federation, and the international law: the General declaration of human rights, the International pact of the civil and political rights and the European convention under human rights. Basically in it there is nothing positive. Those are not just amendments, and basic overwriting the existing legislation concerned public organizations. The bill, in case of its adoption in the present version will put the Russian nongovernmental organizations under the rigid universal state control as substantial, and financial", - the expert explained.

According to the legal expert Dzhibladze, the law actually provides interdiction on activity in Russia of branches of foreign public organizations. "Moreover, - told Dzhibladze, - the law creates interdiction on participation of foreigners not living constantly in Russian Federation in any Russian noncommercial organizations: they will not have the right to be their founders and participants. In "Memorial", for example, one third of the members of the board are citizens of other states: Ukraine, Latvia, and Germany. The Russian academy of sciences in such situation could not have members - foreign academicians. The circle of the reasons for which the organizations could be given up in registration has been extended".

Caucasian unit

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