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Chechen Diary

posted by zaina19 on October, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/26/2005 2:31 AM
22.10.2005 19:04 MSK
Chechen Diary
CHECHNYA. (Information from the Society of Russian-Chechen Friendship, Union of non-Governmental Organisations, and Chechen Committee of National Salvation). In Chechnya there is no end to disappearances, killings, “special operations”, “addressed cleansing operations”, and arbitrary behaviour by Russian forces, the Chechen militia, as well as other unidentified groups.

14 October
Grozny region. In the early hours, armed men took a 35-year-old man, Adam Ozniev. In the evening he was found unconscious on the outskirts of his home village, Prigorodnoye.

Vedeno Region. The early hours saw Russian bombardment of the surroundings of Tsa-Vedeno. There were no reports of casualties.

Shali region. In a so-called zachistka in Serzhen-Yurt, carried out by Russian forces and pro-Moscow Chechen units, 22-year-old Bislan Alahnov was detained. Apparently a member of the Chechen Interior Ministry, his whereabouts remain unknown.

Vedeno Region. A resident of Dargo was seriously injured after stepping on a mine. He had been collecting stones for use in construction and probably stepped on explosives at a junction.

Gudermes region. A militia post was shot at in the late evening. Automatic weapons and grenades were used.

Vedeno Region. Federal forces carried out a check of documents in Tsa-Vedeno. Two youngsters, aged 18 and 19, were detained for not having local registration. The two, on a visit to their grandmother, were later released unharmed.
In the evening, forested areas above Tsa-Vedeno were bombarded several times from federal positions.

15 October
Shali region. In Shali, an inhabitant was badly beaten by two members of the so-called anti-terrorist centre (force under the control of Ramzan Kadyrov). The incident happened at the central market, a place where there is a lot of traffic, and occurred after the victim out of carelessness touched the other car with his own. The two Kadirovtsy jumped out of their car, pulled the man out of his car and started beating him with rifle butts and kicking him. Onlookers only pulled the two Kadirovtsy away with difficulty, while the victim was hospitalised.

Vedeno Region. Elistanzhi resident Toita Dzhabrailova has been released, it was announced. She had been taken away by Russian forces on 16 October. According to villagers, the woman had been released 2 or 3 days previously. It was also reported that her face had been beaten under interrogation in order to obtain information about a relative of hers who is in the Chechen armed resistance. The released woman declined to talk to journalists.

Shatoi region. Ibrahim Susaev, a militia officer, was buried in Borzoi. He died during the rebel attacks in Nalchik on 13 October.

16 October
Achkoi-Martan region. Fragments of the husband and wife Aslanbekov were found near Kotar-Yurt. They had clearly been bound together and blown up by a powerful charge. What lay behind such a brutal crime, or who the perpetrators were, remains unknown.

Achkoi-Martan region. The areas around Kotar-Yurt and Cholzhan-Yurt were subjected to night-time bombardment. Russian forces are said to be carrying out these actions more and more frequently.

Grozny region. In Chechen-Aul a local man, surname Dzhabrailov (50), was taken away by masked men. It is unknown where he was taken.
Another local man, Zelim Bagaev, was badly beaten by armed men. He is in a serious condition.

Grozny region. A 31-year-old woman from Stariye Atagi is said to have disappeared without trace.

17 October
Sunzha region. Two local people were taken from the village of Sernovodsk by masked men in the early hours of the morning.

Shelkov region. A local inhabitant of Kargalinskaya was forcibly taken away by masked men.

Ingushetia. An explosion occurred at around 5 a.m. on the edge of Yandare. It was placed at the site of mobile telecommunication stations belonging to Beeline and Megafon. There were no reports of deaths or injuries.

Urus-Martan region. An inhabitant of Valerik was beaten by law enforcement officers. The man, 26-year-old Bekhan Buvaysarov, had been standing at a bus stop near a car where the men were sitting. They then got out and beat him with rifle butts, before then departing. The young man is in a serious condition in hospital.

Grozny. A so-called zachistka was carried out in the Lenin district of Grozny. Law enforcement personnel took away a 24-year-old man named only as Hasan.

18 October
Ingushetia. In a special operation, an inhabitant from Gehi in Chechnya was killed. The operation, consisting of Russian and pro-Moscow Chechen forces, was carried out in the village of Ekazhevo, near Nazran. 35-year-old Ali Saraliev was said to have been involved in the resistance and on a federal wanted list. Saraliev opened fire on being approached and was then killed.

Grozny. Since 17 October document checks have been underway all over the city. Vehicles are also being checked. According to some information, the so-called zachistka is connected with events in Nalchik: the authorities fear a repeat of the events there in Chechnya. There is information that the checks will continue until parliamentary elections.
In the Oktyabr district, a young man, Aslan (20), was detained and taken away.
In Chernorechye, Zavod district of the city, a young man, aged 21, was taken away. A local said he was from Achkoi-Martan.

Grozny region. Near Oktyabrskoye the bodies of local inhabitants Salman Arsanukaev and his son Sayd were found. Both had multiple gunshot wounds. They had been taken from their home the day before by men in military fatigues.

Grozny region. Armed men took a woman from her home in Stariye Atagi. Kristina Bikieva, a Nogai, is a mother of two small children. Her fate is unknown.

Grozny. In Kalinina, Anzor Murtazaliev, 27, trod on a mine located under the pavement. The force tore off his leg. He is in hospital.

19 October
Shali region. A local man, Said-Husein, was taken by masked men from Noviye Atagi. His whereabouts are unknown.

Grozny. Forces are carrying out a so-called zachistka in the 30th district of the city’s Oktyabr city region. The area is sealed while documents are being checked and cars stopped.

Grozny region. The fate of a local man, Haron Gatsaev, remains unknown. The 33-year-old was taken away by pro-Moscow Chechen forces during a zachistka on 10 October.

Ingushetia. Attacks took place in the early hours in Yandare. 6 homes belonging to law enforcement officers were attacked. According to local inhabitants, firing went on for 5 minutes. Three homes were set fire to, and burnt down. The men then escaped. The town of Karabulak had recently seen an attack on the house belonging to the republic’s OMON head, Ganizhev.

Vedeno Region. In Tsa-Vedeno the militia arrested two locals, Aslanbek Mimalaev (17) and Akraman Mazaev (19) on suspicion of being connected to an illegal armed group. The relatives of the two have obtained the services of a lawyer. Some locals said the two had indeed cooperated with the rebels, but had been obliged to, rather than voluntarily.

Shelkov region. The body of an unidentified man was found near the village of Chervlennaya. Locals said he had been killed a week before. His body bore traces of severe torture.

Vedeno Region. Forests close to Tevseni were subjected to federal bombardment. There were no reports of casualties.

Shali region. A man from Shali aged around 25 was taken by masked men. His relatives requested his identity not be disclosed. The men were dressed in black and drove off in cars with blacked out windows.

Gudermes region. A petrol tanker was blown up near the Caucasus highway. One person died, while three others received varying degrees of injuries.

20 October
Shelkov region. The fate of a 69-year-old inhabitant, Nurpa Dachaeva, remains unknown. She left her home on 7 October and has not been seen since. Attempts by her relatives to find her have not borne fruit.

Grozny. Armed men in two cars grabbed a young man from the Oktyabr bus station.

Grozny region. Near Tolstoi-Yurt, a bomb was detonated under a car. The mayor of Argun in the car was unhurt, but four bodyguards were badly wounded.

Shali region. Near Mesker-Yurt, unknown people attacked a group of Interior Ministry officers. One of them was seriously wounded. The attackers escaped.

Grozny region. Authorities carried out a so-called zachistka in Pervomaiskoye. On Kirov street a woman was taken away. Some information suggests weapons had been found. Her name has been withheld on request of her relatives.

21 October
Urus-Martan region. In Goyti armed forces attempted to illegally detain a local man, named Anzorov. As he escaped, the armed men then set on his mother and sister. A man answered the cries and rushed to the scene, only for he to be beaten. The armed forces then took this man with them.

Sunzha region. During the previous night the settlement of Sernovodsk was completely sealed off by Russian armed forces. They patrolled the streets all night, although no document or other controls took place. The inhabitants are said to be extremely disturbed by the armed forces’ actions, and fear a major zachistka is coming in the near future.

Grozny region. After a bomb scare, schooling in the settlement’s second middle school was terminated at 10 a.m. a note had been thrown into the school threatening an explosion. Sappers were checking the school for explosives.

Grozny region. Around 6 a.m. 3 military planes flew towards the Argun gorge from Stariye Atagi. Local inhabitants said the planes were flying at low altitude, and they could not hear sounds of explosions.

Shali region. At around 3 p.m. a passport control took place in Avtury. This was carried out by the Shali police. There were no reports of detentions.

Prima News Agency [2005-10-21-Chech-06]

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