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The United Nations Organization

posted by zaina19 on October, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/15/2005 5:09 PM
Appeal of The Chechen Centre of protection of rights to the United Nations and The Council of Europe
11.10.2005 - 00:41:57

The United Nations Organization

The Council of Europe

Respected members of the United Nations Organization and the Council of Europe! ...

We repeatedly addressed you for help and support at that moment when us, Chechens, tortured and killed.

We appealed to you with hope, that you respond to our call, but we have seen and have understood, that your hearts have become hardened and gloom has shrouded your eyes.

And consequently our voice has remained ´´the voice of crying in the desert´´.

We have buried last hope and now we do not appeal neither to your help, nor to your pity for we have understood that is lost the main human property - conscience, the feeling absence of wich allows you to be released from the responsibility for events taking place in our small country.

Now we need to appeal only to your prudence: - let them kill us, but do it in a civilized way, under your vigilant eye as that and is necessary in the third millenium which the mankind has entered.

We hoped and appealed to you because you had and have forces and means for prevention of crimes against humanity, but you have not interfered, and now we are free from any obligations to somebody.

Today the world became so tight, that it is impossible not to notice and conceal a crime, and furthermore war and massacre.

Modern powerful mass media during shortest time notifies everything, that occurs in the world that is why if someone declares the lack of information, that is a lies, or a dissemblance.

Therefore we think, that you, not worth than us are informed about events even if by someones order from the Chechen Republic both the Russian and foreign journalists and humanists are withdrawn.

Even in that case not only we, Chechens, but also all other people with the naked eye see, who are silent observers of crime taking place in here.

We also draw your attention to a problem of today´s compensatory payments as this problem directly concerns also us, Chechens resisting to expansion of Russia during 400 years.

It is well-known - the son can not be responsible for actions of his father! Therefore are amazing today´s compensatory payment of Germans to former victims of nazism, after more than half-centuries.

There is an impression, that modern Germans are yesterday´s fascists or nazis, if are compelled to pay because of someone´s criminal acts.

For us, Chechens, it is completely inexplicable today´s indemnifications to citizens of Russia, the country, whose army conducts against us criminal war, having turned in frank bands whose crimes have eclipsed the cruelty and barbarity of fascists.

Why in this case is silent, bashfully having lowered the head, the European Times?

And you see non-punishable military and state criminals derivate new wars just as the criminals of the Russia which has not incurred punishments for the first Chechen war, have started the second.

In the circumstances, apparently, the Chechens who have undergone aggression and a genocide, should receive even any indemnifications as crimes of Russia occur practically before the eyes of the world community.

But the most surprising is that, about indemnifications to the Chechen people suffering of disaster from criminal acts of Russia, was not mentioned neither 200, nor 100, 50 years back, is not mentioned even now as if someone has put taboo on this question.

Is not this a classical example of discrimination? Is not this an example of encouragement of a genocide from Russian side?

But if someone considers, that there is no genocide in the Chechen Republic, we address those with last words of Russian protector of human rights and humanist Victor Popkov, who has accepted martyr death:

´´- Not to count events in the Chechen Republic as genocide is a crime!´´

Respected members of the United Nations Organization and the Council of Europe!

For us it is sad to realise, that you, not denying, trust in lie of the president of Russia of Putin, on which is based so-called contra-terroristic operation in the Chechen Republic.

Therefore we are compelled to remind you words of madam Kirkpatrik, the ambassador of USA in the United Nations, made in 1984: ´´We have allowed lie to be spread not having denied it.´´

It has developed into a policy - and this policy that also was not condemned, has developed in deaths. Sometimes fate of whole peoples depends on words.

In the given concrete case the question is fate of Chechen people.

Therefore we urgently ask you to answer, how many ordeals and humiliations, concentration camps and tortures we need to pass, and at last, how many more Chechen lives are necessary take, that obvious lie was denied, and you have interfered and have stopped killings?

Respected members of the United Nations Organization and the Council of Europe!

We are sorry for a sharp tone of our appeal, we are sorry for the smell of blood filtering through these lines, for sorrow and screams of tortured which, preventing you to solve global and humane questions, will penetrate into your spacious halls and studies where you allocated by your peoples by high rights and duties, create ´´supreme justice´´.

Mairbek Taramov
The director of Chechen centre of protection of human rights.


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