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ПолитковскаяWe believe that the Chechen Republic will become free!

posted by zaina19 on September, 2005 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/20/2005 1:03 AM
September, 20, 2005

ПолитковскаяWe believe that the Chechen Republic will become free!

In Boston (State Of Massachusetts) the first attempt to selebrate the Day of Independence of the Chechen republic Ichkerija was made, wich was legally proclaimed September, 6, 1991 .

For comparison it is necessary to tell some words about the Declaration of Independence of USA which was signed in 1776, and the war begun by the English Crown for banning of independence of USA, had last eight years - till 1783 when the peace treaty was signed. And the American colonists were supported with powerful powers of that time: France and Spain due to what independence of USA was proclaimed.

And Chechen people struggles and perishes for the independence already more than 11 years in absolute loneliness. And it seems that there is no end for this horror.

From 1991 on 1994 - three years was required by Russia, to overdo this impact on its false prestige. You see it was the only independent (not allied) republic (on senseless Soviet hierarchy of statuses native peoples) which has not signed the contract about entry in "dear Russian Federation".

Union republics were separated rather easily and almost without bloodshed. Besides, to give independence to the republic which has survived three Russian genocides, it is equivalent to release of the witness of grave crimes of Russia on all extent of its existence.

Not last place was taken by Groznos petroleum, easily extracted and of exellent quality. This petroleum is extracted in the Chechen Republic till today: in broken, almost completely destroyed and plundered Chechen Republic, the Russian gangsters have the nerve to write, that the Chechen Republic has given this year the greatest profit on autonomous republics: it means - from sale of petroleum and from the taxes collected in republic.

It has decided to sink in blood independence of the Chechen Republic. And meanwhile, it was the unique opportunity, I no more do not speak about prosperity of the Chechen Republic - to put Russia on democratic rails. But for whom is necessary democracy in Russia? I think, to anybody. Anyway not for Russian KGb mode. And not for people which has got used to a stick and muzzle.

A couple of protectors of the rights shiver, thinking to change something in the Russian state, but to the mass they are not clear. They do not need demagogical (as it seems to them) conversations on democracy, not without reason Russian people massively so hate America, and Europe too.I am not sure if Europe and America need Russian democracy, You see democracy in Russia will deprive their cheap Russian market.

And conversations on the nuclear weapon do not maintain any criticism - Russia is very cowardly, and will not use nuclear bombs (for certain rusted and for a long time useless), against all world. Russia continues with its henchmen Chechens and other nationalities to quitly finish the Chechen Republic, under silent supervision of the West which covers the silence by the Russian fairy tales of terrorism of all Chechen nation, starting from three-year children.

less aand less confidence remains that the Chechen Republic will find real independence, at least the nearest 20 years. If a miracle will not take place . But not in a small degree the history is made with miracles.

Victoria Pupko, the president of the Boston Committee Against Ethnic Cleanings.

Chechenpress, the Department of letters, 20.09.05.

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