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Executive Director Lev Ponomarev

posted by zaina19 on July, 2005 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/29/2005 2:22 AM
Newsreel of Information Agency ´For Human Rights´
27.07.2005 - 00:42:21

Executive Director Lev Ponomarev

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News, statements, appeals, analysis, commentaries Issue No 23.

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All-Russian Nongovernmental Movement ´´For Human Rights´´
Executive Director Lev Ponomarev

Room 21, Bldg 1, House 7, M. Kislovsky Pereulok, Moscow, 125009
Tel: (095)291-62-33, Tel/Fax: (095)291-70-11, e-mail:;

News, statements, appeals, analysis, commentaries
Issue No 23
2 July 2005

Over 600 prisoners of Lgovskaya colony tried to commit suicide as a result of regular assaults, batteries and tortures. 2

´´Truth about events in the colony ??-30/3 (Lgov, Kurskaya oblast)´´ press conference 5

Russia can partly have anotement in respect of lawyer Trepashkin if he is released from illegal custody 5

The attitude of Russian citizens to Mikhail Khodorkovsky is gradually being changed 6

Fireworks in Khodorkovsky´s honor 6

New arrests in Yukos 7

The village was attacked by OMON (rion squad) 7

Berezovsky did a bad turn to the Minister 8

The deal on Moskovskie Novosti daily´s sale will be completed by the end of July 9

Izvestiya daily published the address of cultural workers 9

Getting into a mess: the Russian elite got ashamed 10

Correlation of intellectuals 10

Lawyers appeal 11

Republicans hide their sponsors 12

Yavlinskiy is against the sponsorship of parties by tycoons 12

Kasparov was not admitted to the refugees 13
Militia confessed falsification of preports. Meschanskiy court completed the discharge of piketers 13

An appeal to constitutional rights from the mourning Russian people 13

Case against lawyer Sergey Brovchenko, the head of Glasnost foundation- loss of material evidences? 14

On the abductions of Chechen Republic citizens in June 2005 15

Laureats Reebok Human Rights Awards 15

The parents of arrested national- bolsheviks raise an alarm 16

8 July open court session on national- bolshevik- Deccemberists´ case 17

Statement on the crime in Beslan 17

Second Ape process: can the defender of rights be conceales under the mask of an extremist? 18

Over 600 prisoners of Lgovskaya colony tried to commit suicide as a result of regular assaults, batteries and tortures

Over 600 prisoners of minimum security colony ??33/3 in Lgovsk town of Kursksys oblast, headed by colonel Yu.I. Bushin, delivered themselves serious physical injuries on the 27th of June, 2005. It was a sign of protest against regular assaults, batteries and tortures by the employees of prison´s administration and Special Enforcement Unit of UIN (Administration for Execution of Punishment) of Kurskaya oblast.

According to the data from Russian Federation Procuracy the number of prisoners trying to commit a suicide if within 350 people. The justice workers say that the number of people, delivering themselves different types of physical injuries is over 600 people.

Russian Mass media said that on the first day of the protest 9 people were in grave condition. On the night of 28-29th of June the relatives were standing at the gates of the colony and they saw several dozens of prisoners with severe injuries being transported from the prison in three closed vans. The prisoners left in the colony do not feel bad but they refused to eat anything. According to the data of justice workers over one thousand prisoners went over a hunger- strike and 500 of them cannot get up from their beds already.

Neither relatives, nor the workers of justice managed to find out anything on the conditions, location and state of health of the prisoners transported out of the colony in Lgov town.

The civil committee for the protection of prisoner?s rights of the Pan Russian movement ´´For Human Rights´´ suggests the following brief description of the applications of the Lgovsk colony prisoner?s relatives. It was written down by the Boris Panteleev and Alexander Lyuboslavskiy, the experts of the committee. They returned from the colony on the 1st of July. Here is the text:

?-7.5. Nelly Semenovna Abramova, Kursk. My son is in Lgovsk colony. He has been several times beaten by the employees of administration and I had to apply to the UIN of Kursk. Upon my appeal colonel Kostikov made up an act when the doctors examined the injuries. But no measures were taken and many hundreds of prisoners in ?? 30/3 colony injured themselves on the 27th of June.
V-7.5. Andrey Sergeevich Voloshin, Boroshnevo community, Kurskiy rayon, 2nd Konoplyanka str., 12. My brother, Peter Voloshin, born in 1981 always companied about bad treatement of prisoners by the administration of ??30/3 colony, headed by coloner Yukiy Bushin. The prisoners are regularly subjected to battery. My brother was against such an attitude and cut his veins.
V-7.5. Tatiana Petrovna Voronina, Lgov town, Primakova str. 29; phone No. 2-43-81. My son, Sergey Izotov born in 1983 is in ??30/3 colony since 14th of May, 2005. He told me at our personal meeting that they are strongly beaten; the administration tries to leave no traces of blows. He cut his veins several times, because of numerous batteries and unacceptable attitude.
D-7.5. Irina Viktorovna Dmitrieva, Kursk, 2nd Industrial side- street, 3-17, phone. 4-20-67. My two sons, Dmitriev Roma and Alexander are in ??30/3 prison. Dmitriy could no longer bear humiliations and he hammered a nail into his lung. He returned to the Colony No 3 after the operation, but he was forced to injure himself again; there was found the second nail in his body. Alexander cut the veins on his hand and the throat. Now, both of them are on the hunger- strike with hundreds of prisoners.

D-7.5. Yulia Gennadyevna Dronova, Kursk, Olshanskogo str., 18-24. I am Alexander Dronov?s wife. I came to visit my husband on the 27.06.05. He lost 13 kilograms during the two weeks he spent in ??30/3 colony of Lgov. He said he was regularly battered, humiliated and forced to join the section. Every night there came OMON and they were subjected to severe batteries. My husband´s veins were cut, for several times, as it seems. They are not provided with medical care, the wounds are not treated, and they are open. The prisoners are always threatened by the prolongation of imprisonment time. I am very afraid that my husband will not survive, he´ll commit a suicide.

?-7.5. Elena Viktorovna Yermakova, Zheleznogorsk, Dmitrov str. 12/3-61, phone. 8-904524-43-61. My husband Brusentsev Yevgeniy is in ??30/3 institution since 14th of May, 2005. He was transferred from ??30/9 institution. He is constantly beaten since the 14th of May. He was put in quarantine and they did not let him go to the toilet for three days. They gave him a bottle and said: Piss there. Three days late, without any investigation he was places in PKT (cell- type premises), though he had to stay in quarantine for 10 days. My husband did not stand the humiliations and cut his veins on the 27th of June, 2005

Z-7.5. Zatolokina Yelisaveta Vladimirovna, Kurchatov town, Leningradskaya str., 39-22, phone. 8-905-159-90-23. I am Alexander Korobkov´s wife. He was born on 1984. I saw him at the short date on the 28.06.05. His hands were cut. He said he´ll cut the veins again. The prisoners were on a hunger strike. He said they were beating him because he did not want to join their section. He was asking to help him. The next day on the 29.06.05 I saw the prisoners hanging out a bed sheet with SOS written on it. They were crying out that they are beaten, it is impossible to live on; they were showing their bandaged hands and bellies.

I-7.5. Valentina Pavlovna Ivanova, Zheleznogorsk town, Gagarina str., 1-96. My son Ivanov Oleg was born on 1978. He is in ?? 30/3 colony since November, 2004 and he has been beaten all this time. I had a date with him in the 10th of June, 2005. His ribs are broken. He cut his veins and belly because of impossible relations with the administration of the colony.

?-7.5. Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Kiselev, Kursk, Orlovskaya str., 24-120. I arrived on the 30.06.05 to ?? 30/3 institution for a short meeting with my son Kiselev Vladimir. All the documents were properly made and were taken to the meeting hall. I have been waiting for my son for 40 minutes. But the date failed. I was told that Vladimit Kiselev was taken to ShiZO (penalty isolator). All the day I tried to make them show me my son, because on the 27th of June nearly all the prisoners but their veins as a sign of protest. I was probably refused to see my son on another reason- my son was in severe condition and was secretly taken out of prison at night like many other prisoners.

?-7.5. Tatiana Lyaonosovna Kichigina. I had a short date with my husband Sergey Kichigin on the 29.06.05. There were numerous cuts on his hands. He said he was writing a message on who was to be blamed in his death, but they took the message away. We heard the men crying from the barracks that they were beaten. It is the third day that Sergey, like 800 prisoners is on a hunger- strike. Part of the prisoners was transported from the prison in unknown direction on the 28-29th night. We hear the prisoners saying they will cut their veins again. They hand out placards with appeals to save them. I am ready to join the social committee for the protection of prisoners.

?-7.5. Svetlana Fedorovna Korotkikh, Kursk, Ethusiasts? ave., 8-31. I learnt from mass media the the prisoners of Lgov colony ???30/3 cut their veins and bellies on the 27th of June and I came to the colony on the 29th. My son Andrey Vladimirovich Sirota, born on 1978 is in this colony. I learnt from the head of the colony that my son cut himself and was transported in unknown direction at night. The administration refused to say where my son and other prisoners were taken. No one wants to tell me where my son is and what is his condition.

?-7.5. A.K. Kremez, Kursk, Nikitskaya Str., 6-25. I appeal to you to help my grandson Maxim Marchenko, born on 1984. He was imprisoned in ??30/9 colony of Kosinovo community and there were no problems there. He was taken to Lgov colony on the 14th of May, 2005. I was told that they were beating him there. The employees of administration and the deputy head on safety major Dvoenosov and Reutov were beating him. They also battered prisoners Oleg Grishin and A. Shatunov. There prisoners are in the US unit (maximum security unit). After the battery they cut their veins. The prisoners with severe injuries were taken away from Lgov the 28-29th night. When I ask: Where is my grandson? they answer: We know nothing!

L-7.5. Valentina Ivanovna Lanina, Zheleznogorsk, Marshal Zhukov str, 4-57, phone. 5-19-98. I came to ??30/3 institution to meet my son Oleg Lanin. I was not allowed to see him. The head of the colony explained that he cut his veins. The parents of other prisoners told me that the guys refuse to eat, my son being among them. I had a date with my son a day earlier, and though he did not tell me anything not to upset me, I saw that he was beaten by the administration employees. That´s why there happened that mass suicide.

L-7.5. Galina Viktorovna Loktina, Kursk, Sumskaya str., 25-9. I came to see my son Loktinov Vitaliy on the 29th of June. I was not allowed to see him. I was told he is in ShIZO. They spoke to me in an impudent manner and did not answer my questions on when I could see my son. I sent him a parcel from Kursk on the 21st of June; it was not even taken from the post office. I do not understand those rules imposed by the employees of ??30/3 institution. They are so inhuman to the relatives that it is not difficult to figure out their attitude to the prisoners. I receive the letters from my son already opened. The prisoners know about it and they do not write the truth in the letters, being afraid of batteries or inclusions in ShIZO.
N-7.5. Tatiana Ivanovna Nikitina, Kursk, Leninsky Komsomol ave., -137, phone. 4-27-42. My son Nikolay Babin was born in 1987. He is a prisoner of Lgov town institution OX-30/3. I came to my son on the 29.06.05 and saw that he was beaten; he could not even cough, it caused him pain. He always kept his hand in his bosom. I understood that it was cut. My son refused to take the food products; he said they have a hunger-strike for three days already, that they demand to stop the battery and torture of prisoners by the administration. They also demanded to punish the administration employees for exceeding their commission. They intended to continue the strike. They were ready to die and asked their relatives not to abandon them.

P-7.5. Olga Valdimirovna Proskurina, Kursk, Chernyakhovskogo str., 60-95. I am the wife to Proskurin Sergey, born on 1981. I saw my husband had cut his veins at the short meeting with him on the 29th of June, 2005. The administration of colony, headed by Yu. Bushin and the employees of OMON are beating the prisoners at night. My husband not eat anything now, he refused to take the food products; he looked very bad. He said in they did not stop the battery he would cut his veins and belly again. Please, help us! The life of my husband and other prisoners is in danger!

S-7.5. Smolina Aksana Alexandrovna, Kursk, Makovskaya str. 38-60. On the 29th of June I had a short date with my brother Sorokin Alexander. He was in a very bad condition with a pintle in his belly. He was not provided with medical aid t; and the wound was open. He said he was regularly beaten, humiliated, he was forced to join a section. I saw that the other prisoners meeting their relatives also held their bellies (probably a pintle, like in case with my brother), some of them had cut veins. There were no healthy people there, everybody was injured. My brother said is they do not stop humiliating him, he would commit a suicide.

?-7.5. Serdyuchenk Liubov Mikhailovna, Sudzha town, Rosa Luxamburg´s street, 31?-21, Kurskaya Oblast. I had a short date with my son. He told me that hey went on hunger- strike because of cruel treatment of administration; they cut themselves and they do not know what is going to happen with them. I want to see my son safe and sound and not handicapped. . I suffer bitterly.
Sh-7.5. Olga Alekseevna Shakhova. My brother is in the prison of Lgov. He is constantly beaten there, because he refused to access the section. I is silent about many things. He looks very bad.

IA ´´For Human Rights´´

Press- conference ´´The truth about events in ??-30/3 colony (Lgov, Kurskaya oblast)´´
There will take place a press- conference ´´The truth about events in ??-30/3 colony (Lgov, Kurskaya oblast)´´on the 4th of July in Independent Press- center, Moscow.

- Lev Ponomarev Executive Director of SLM (Social Liberation Movement) ´´For Human Rights´´;
- Alexander Lyuboslavskiy - SLM ´´For Human Rights´´, Head of Civil Committee for the Protection of Prisoner´s Rights;
- Boris Panteleev - SLM ´´For Human Rights´´, member of Experts council board at the Commissioner of Human Rights in Russia
- Oksana Dzera, Committee For Civil Rights, coordinator of social commission of lawyers on the investigation of events in Lgov,
Lawyers and relatives of prisoners of ??-30/3 Lgov colony.
The press- conference starts at 11.00 a.m.. Address: Moscow, Tverskoy boulevard, 20, 2nd floor, Independent Press- Center: phones
(095) 229-31-92, (095) 232-28-91.

IA ´´For human Rights´´

Russia can partly have atonement in respect of lawyer Trepashkin if he is released from illegal custody.
On the 1st of July, 2005 Moscow oblast Court (judges Myazin and Obukhov, presiding judge- Peshkov) upon the appeal of lawyer Yelena Liptser cancelled the sentence of Dmitrov City Court of Moscow region and ceased the case on the persecution of political prisoner lawyer Mikhail Ivanovich Trepashin for illegal possession of weapon- because of the failure to prove it.

The application of M. Trepashkin is in Lyublinskiy rayon Court of Moscow. Lawyer Trepashkin is the representative of people, suffered during explosions of buildings in 1999. He was imprisoned on the 22dn of October, 2003 (three days before Khodorkovsky´s arrest). On the 19th of May, 2004 he was sentenced by Moscow District Military Court to the 4 years of imprisonment in the colony- settlement for keeping ammunition and for divulgence of state secret. Trepashkin´s groundless stay in prison lasted for more than 20 months. If the Russian justice is ready to have a partial atonement of Trepashkin´s illegal prosecution, the court should draw a decision on the grant of parole to him.

IA ´´For Human Rights´´
The attitude of Russian citizens to Mikhail Khodorkovsky is gradually being changed
Anchorman: Meanwhile the attitude of Russian citizens to Mikhail Khodorkovsky is gradually changed. If the ex- CEO of Yukos took part in presidential elections he would be supported by many people. Asya Dolina is reporting in details on the last public opinion poll.

Correspondent: The popularity of Mikhail Khodorkovsky is growing. Over 11% of the country´s population wants him to become a president. It is 3% more than in May. Over 30% of population characterizes the attitude to Khodorkovsky with negative or extremely negative words. The attitude of 19% of population is, on the contrary, positive or very positive. The rest is neutral. The negative opinions mainly belong to people over 55 years old, inhabitants of towns, men mainly. Women like the prosecuted businessman much more. These are first of all women of 18-39 age group with high education. The electorate of Yabloko, people with high income, citizens of Moscow and big regions are for Khodorkovsky, too. More than 53% of the country?s citizens are sure that the state power exercised pressure on the judges of Meschanskiy court.
Anchorman: I would like to remind you that the poll was carried out by Yuriy Levada´s Analytical center this month. Inhabitants of 130 inhabited localities from 46 regions took part in the poll.

Author- Asya Dolina,
Source: Echo Moskvy Ech?

Fireworks in Khodorkovsky´s honor
Mikhail Khodorkovsky celebrated his 42nd anniversary on the 26th of June Nin ´´Matrosskaya Tishina´´ SIZO. Since Sunday is not a visit day in prisons, no one visited the ex- CEO of Yukos. There were no presents, either, except the permission to watch the TV longer than usual and the events outside the prison.

The antimilitary Committee, Conscience Group, Youth Movement Yes, United Civil Front organized a piquet not very far from the isolator. As it was told to Rodnaya Gazeta by the head of Khodorkovsky´s and Lebedev´s lawyers´ press- center Maria Ordzhonikidze, they failed to obtain permission for piquet. There was a request to organize a piquet in front of the building located 100 meters away from the prison, but the officials did not give a permission to organize in right in front of the prison. They mixed the number of building. But we were not going to piquet in front of isolator, - thought the organizers and did a piquet in front of the neighboring building. They had no problems with militia.
Several dozens of people joined the action. Many of them wore T-shirts with: Kodorkovskym GO HOME words. The participants of poetic reading devoted to Khodorkovsky´s birthday also joined them. The piquet participants made a firework and let out yellow and green balloons- corporate colors of Yukos. Then they were singing Our proud Varyag is not giving up and crying out congratulations.
I do not think that people in the isolator could hear what was going on in the street, - said Maia Ordzhonikidze, - but it is even more important that people do not forget the YUKOS case. Our press- center had more than 2500 phone calls with congratulations. It is very important that the society remembers about Khodorkovsky and Lebedev, since these people are very inconvenient for the state power and if people forget about them, the state can get rid of them in the physical sense.

Topical rhymes
To the foreign investor
Dear investor, do not sign saying there is no place for you in Russia; the doors are always open for you, there are always vacant places in the institutions of confinement!
Boris Vlakhko

Author- Elena Kaluzhskaya,

New arrests in Yukos

The Ministries of Justice of Lithuania and Netherlands arrested the actives of Yukos company in their countries upon the request of Russia, - said the head of Russian Ministry of Justice Yuriy Chaika. It was upon Chaika´s inquiry that the arrest was made.
Ministry of Justice is trying to get the compensation of Yukos´s debt to the state in the sum of around $2 billion USD, - said Chaika.


The village was attacked by OMON (rion squad)
OMON arranged a round- up in Ivanovskoe village ? of Stavropolskiy kray; 30 people were beaten. The local inhabitants say that in this way OMON tries to revenge from their killed colleague. Militia says they just fought against criminals and did nothing illegal.

The 11-12th of June night the soldiers of Stavropol´s OMON did a cleaning in one of the vollages of Kochubeevskiy rayon, Stavropolskiy kray. According to the local inhabitants over 30 people were arrested in the result of operation. The majority are teenagers- young people of 14- 23 y.o. age group.
According to the victims the following events took place that day. The armed representatives of OMON surrounded the center of Ivanovskoe village, where the local house of culture and several cafes are located. It took place in the evening, 11th of June. They started groundless arrests of people- on the discothèques, in the park and the nearby cafes. People were taken into a special bus. Then all of them were taken to Kochubeevskoe ROVD (Rayon´s Department of Internal Affairs), 20 km away from Ivanovskoe village The people were lined up their faces to the wall; they were searched, their mobile phones withdrawn. Militia representatives wrote down their passport data, finger- printed and took their pictures. According to the victims Militia workers kicked them, frightened and delivered blows without leaving livid spots.
They let people go at two o´clock in the morning only. Neither the local inhabitants, not the village administration were aware that there had been carried out a militia operation in the village. The district militia officer of Kochubeevskiy ROVD Vladimir Proskuryakov confessed that he learnt about the incident the next day only.
12 of June the angry villagers gathered at the building of village administration and demanded to settle the situation. In their words, no local official reacted at the round- up for one day. The victims did not know where to appeal since the local Procuracy was closed on the occasion of the Day of Russia. Hearing the complaints of local inhabitants Oleg Fedko, the public prosecutor of Kochubeevskiy rayon promised to take into consideration and check up the legality of Militia?s actions according to the articles 144 and 145 of the CCP RF (Code of Criminal Procedure).
It was only on the 15th of June that the employees of Kochubeyevskiy Rayon Procuracy arrived to question the people arrested during the round- up. All the victims of Militia?s actions appealed to the Procuracy on the illegal actions of Militia employees. You had to have the blows examined at once and appeal to the Procuracy on the illegal actions of Militia´s employees, said colonel Andrei Istratov, the head of Kochubeevskoe ROVD to the inhabitants of Ivanovskoe.
According to ROVDs version, the reason for the round- up was the complicated criminal situation in the rayon. OMON did nothing illegal. As Istratov mentioned, the round- up had positive results- a suspect in the murder was arrested; two participants of assaults were arrested, too.
The villagers think that it was nothing but a revenge for the dead colleague. A 29 year old soldier of Stavropolskiy OMON was killed in May in Nevinnomyssk- his stabbed body was found in the river, beyond the city. The villagers think that round-up was arranged in Ivanovskoe, since the youth from the whole rayon come up here to party.
Yevgeniy Ikhlopv, the expert of Russian Social Movement thinks, that the round- ups and batteries of inhabitants take place because the law machinery representatives have loosened their hands and if they had an order, nothing could stop them .

Author: Alexey Sidorov (Stavropol), Elya Vermisheva

Ahency: The expert of SLM ´´For Human Right´´ P. Lovyannikov is working in Ivanovskoe village at present. We will publish the results of his investigation.

Berezovsky did a bad turn to the Minister
White tycoons provoked Lavrov
The special services of Netherlands did not give a flight permission to the airplane of Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs for one hour.

At first the Dutchmen said there could be the lost box of diamonds aboard, then- there could be suspicious people in masks there. The Russian Foreign office diplomats were very calm and quiet about the scandal with the minister. Moreover, they advised Zhizn not to write about the topic at all.- we are asking you and all the journalists not to raise this topic anymore, - they told us at the ministry, 0 Nothing serious happened, there are no problems.
Besides, as far as we know, MFA is not going to send a protest to their Dutch colleagues, since there is no ground for that.

However, one of the high- official sources from the ministry told us that such a bold raid on minister Lavrov was a provocation, aimed at discrimination of Russian authorities. Somebody called the Dutch special services and cheated them, by telling them about a certain fictitious secret, something like you need to check what the Russians are transporting by the minister´s plane. That was the reason for the fuss.
- We are still checking up where the information came from and what was its essence, said our interlocutor.- But such tricks can easily belong either to Boris Berevovsky or Leonid Nevzlin..
It was not occasional that the incident took place in Netherlands. This country made the loudest protests on the case of Yukos Oil Company.

Source: ZHIZN

The deal on Moskovskie Novosti daily?s sale will be completed by the end of July
Leonid Nevzlin, the owner of the Editorial House told Interfax about it.

Nevzlin did not say who the next owner was; he said there are several candidates. The decision to sell the newspaper was made after the editor- in- chief Yevgeniy Kiselev appointed the his new deputies without informing the shareholders and the supervisory board. The members of the Board left their offices on Monday, as a sign of protest. In their words, they did not manage to resolve the long- lasting crisis of the editorial.

Author: NO AUTHOR,
Source: NTV Segodnya

Izvestiya daily published the address of cultural workers
Izvestiya daily published on commercial basis the address of cultural and scientific workers, representative of NGOs, related to the sentence to the ex- CEO of Yukos Oil Company.

In the opinion of authors of the appeal, the judicial system if fair, though imperfect. The representatives of big business should not influence the politics and should be above the law, as the letter reads. There are famous names among the signatories. For example, Stanislav Govorukhin, Valentin Yudashkin, Alexander Kalyagin, Alina Kabaeva, Alexander Rosenbaum, academician Vladimir Fortov, singer Alexander Buinov.The signatories have been questioned by phone. The phone calls were made on behalf of the Union of Russian Pensioners. The signature of the Director of Union´s Board is also under the letter.
- Did anybody called you, offered to take part in this action, a PR- action, since it is an advertisement campaign?
V. Shainskiy (composer): Well I was told that kind of it is an advertisement campaign of the Union of Russian Pensioners. Well, I thought, so what? You think it is necessary to pay taxes? I looked up, they said you can not sign it, nobody is obliging you, but you, as a patriot, so on and so forth. Well, don?t you know how such letters are made?
V: It is a remarkable fact that the latter was published on the commercial basis. The cost of such an advertisement block for Moscow circulation only is 252 thousand rubles.Who ordered and paid for the advertising letter on behalf of the Pensioners´ Union, masters of culture and science- no one knows. The questioned representatives stated that they did not pay anything and no one asked them to pay. The representatives of Pensioner´s Union were suddenly unavailable today.

Source: REN TV 24
- Informational program

Getting into a mess: the Russian elite got ashamed

The text is written in full:

Got into a mess
Since the times of show trials of 37-38s the representatives of Russian establishment were requested to support the political sentences in public. Of course, the sentences of Sinyavskiy, Daniel, dissidents of 60-80s, baiting of Pasternak, Sakharov and Solzhentitsin were accompanied by impudent and hysterical attacks, but there was no collective protest against an unfair sentence after the trial was completed.
In general, it was absolutely unacceptable for a Russian intelligent person to support an accuse publicly. Though it is worth remarking that you could have any idea expressed if a gun was threatening an intelligent person´s head. But if there was no direct threat to the life you could not force the intelligentsia to support the state prosecution and charges. It seems that now there came the epoch of voluntary accordance with the state bodies .
It is impossible to speak of observance of justice principles in Yukos case because the prosecution party itself, including deputies, president´s assistants, journalists have several times mentioned the pure political and selective nature of Mikhail Khodorkovsky´s and Platon Lebedev´s prosecution.
Collective appeal of the representatives of different spheres, supporting the honor and dignity of Basmanno- meschankiy justice is the best evidence of political nature of Yukos case.

Svetlana Gannushkina (Civil Assistance Committee);
Lev Ponomarev, Svetlana Chuvilova, Yevgeniy Ikhlov (Movement ´´For Human Rights´´);
Ernst Cherniy (Environment and Human Rights´ coalition);
Priest Gleb Yakunin (Committee for the Protection of the Freedom of Conscience).
29 June 2005


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january 2005

may 2000

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