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Human Rights

Council of Europe cannot get his message heard anywhere across Europe.

posted by zaina19 on September, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/23/2007 4:18 AM
Hunger strike of Ibragimov to continue even if he dies     
Strasbourg/Agency Caucasus – The hunger strike of Said Emin Ibragimov as a Chechen defender of human rights outside the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe cannot get his message heard anywhere across Europe.

On a hunger strike since September 1, Ibragimov’s seemingly journey to his death has aroused serious concerns among his supporters over his deteriorating health condition. A committee was even set up to save him. Larisa Volodimerova, head of this committee, announced willingness to replace Ibragimov in his hunger strike in protest at inattention from Western leaders to his condition: “Said Ibragimov, lawyer and defender of human rights, has been on a hunger strike for the past three weeks in a bid to call on the Council of Europe to resolve the question of Chechnya. The committee, which was ...
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Special to The St. Petersburg Times

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/23/2007 7:04 AM
Kasparov Gets Danish Prize

By Martin Burlund

Special to The St. Petersburg Times

COPENHAGEN - Former chess world champion Garry Kasparov won the newly established Pundik Peace Prize in Copenhagen on Wednesday.

The prize is given to a person, “who courageously and with a straight back takes responsibility in the fight for fundamental liberty and human rights,” and comes with 100,000 Danish Crowns ($20,000).

“I am honored to receive this prize, and I did not hesitate to accept it. This is a rare sign of solidarity with the liberation fight in Russia,” Kasparov told 300 spectators in Copenhagen.

Kasparov’s so-called “liberation fight” is a strike against the President Vladimir Putin, whom the former chess champion compares to the ruthless German leader during the World War II, Adolf Hitler.

“I think Hitler operated completely within the laws of German land, but I do not think that this made his regime ...
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180 children missing from social care after being brought illegally to UK

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/22/2007 5:42 PM
Vanished: the child victims of trafficking

180 children missing from social care after being brought illegally to UK
Lucy Ward and Matthew Taylor
Thursday September 20, 2007

More than 180 children recently trafficked illegally into the UK have since gone missing without trace from social services care, according to a Unicef report warning that the government is failing to protect vulnerable youngsters brought into the country.

The study published today calling for new safeguarding measures says official figures significantly underestimate the "hidden crime" of child trafficking, which sees children as young as five brought secretly into Britain to work as domestic servants, in cannabis factories, or for sexual exploitation or under-age marriage.

According to the report, Rights Here, Rights Now, even if trafficked children are identified "their care and protection is inconsistent, ad hoc and, in some regions, completely absent". To help plug "gaps in the system", Unicef ...
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Delegation of European anti-torture committee visiting Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/22/2007 6:09 PM
Today: September 23, 2007  || Grozny:  +16..+18 С
Delegation of European anti-torture committee visiting Chechnya

A delegation of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) is inspecting penitentiaries in Chechnya.

Mauro Palma, CPT's first deputy chairman, complained to journalists on Tuesday that he and other officials had not been allowed entry to the village of Tsentoroi.

However, Alu Alkhanov, Chechnya's president, said that the delegation could visit any place in the republic.

"The village of Tsentoroi is home to the family of the late Chechen president Akhmad Kadyrov, who died at the hands of terrorists.

Terrorists and armed group leaders are still trying to stage acts of sabotage and commit other crimes that could entail grave consequences for Kadyrov's family. For this reason, we ask you to treat the security measures taken in the village with understanding," Alkhanov ...
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Politkovskaya is posthumously awarded the American "For Development of Democracy" Award

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/21/2007 9:59 PM

Politkovskaya is posthumously awarded the American "For Development of Democracy" Award

Anna Politkovskaya, observer of the "Novaya Gazeta," has been posthumously awarded the annual American Award "For Development of Democracy." This award is adjudged to the journalists who risk their lives for the sake of giving truthful information to their readers and listeners.

The award to Politkovskaya was received by Elena Milashina, an employee of the "Novaya Gazeta." "It is a very high degree of recognition, this award is very important for Anna and for us in the 'Novaya Gazeta,' for which Anna has become a sort of guardian angel after her death," she said.

Apart from Politkovskaya, journalists from Egypt and Thailand were awarded, the BBC Russian Service reports.

See earlier reports: "The fact of Shamil Buraev's detention confirmed by "Novaya Gazeta"."

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