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Human Rights

Chief suspect feted with near-hero status

posted by zaina19 on October, 2007 as Human Rights

Chief suspect feted with near-hero status

By Nick Holdsworth in Moscow
The Telegraph, Last Updated: 1:03am GMT 28/10/2007

While the widow of his alleged victim hides in fear, Andrei Lugovoi is
leading a deliberately public life on the political hustings in Russia.

The former KGB agent is campaigning as a leading candidate for the
ultra-nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in December's
parliamentary elections. The prize: a seat in the State Duma, which
comes with immunity from prosecution.

Not that Mr Lugovoi, 42, appears to have cause to fear prosecution in
Britain or Russia over Alexander Litvinenko's poisoning last year.
Moscow has refused British extradition requests and the chances of his
being prosecuted in Russia are remote since his elevation to near-hero
status, apparently in line with President Putin's increasingly
anti-Western rhetoric.

Mr Lugovoi adopted his own anti-Western stance while garnering support
in Vladivostok last week, claiming the UK used him as a "tool of
provocation against Russia" and describing Scotland Yard's decision to
send officers to Russia ...
>> full...

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Court: Russia violated oilman's rights

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/29/2007 9:40 AM

Justice And Legitimate Rights Are Needed…

It is worth reminding whoever would even think that it is possible to foul others, that it would be a voluntary admittance of swimming against the stream of equity and truth, when meeting or satisfying certain suspicious agendas.

So many media establishments and nowadays many Websites were established to deal with people's problems, worries, common interests and wellbeing of Mankind. Most of them were founded for the purpose of justice, fairness, truth, obtaining legitimate rights and highlighting all issues and questions concerning direct and indirect dangers, effects and capabilities.

Circassians and other nations of the North Caucasus Region that are controlled by the Russian state, got no way out yet from the situation that the Russian colonial and occupational authorities had cornered and encircled them with. Those nations  got no one to defend them except some Human Rights organizations ...
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Court: Russia violated oilman's rights

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/29/2007 9:53 AM
Yahoo! News
Court: Russia violated oilman's rights

Thu Oct 25, 1:32 PM ET

Russia violated the rights of a former top manager at Yukos, the country's largest oil company before it was declared bankrupt, by arresting him in 2003, Europe's human rights court ruled Thursday.

Platon Lebedev, a business partner of former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was sentenced in 2005 to nine years in jail on charges of fraud and tax evasion in a politically charged case that rights activists said underlined a lack of justice in Russia. The sentence was later reduced to eight years.

Khodorkovsky, once Russia's richest man, and Lebedev were arrested amid a wide-ranging investigation that eventually put Yukos into state hands.

The European Court of Human Rights ruled Lebedev's rights to liberty and security were violated during the arrest and subsequent pretrial detention and ordered Moscow to pay him $4,269 in damages and ...
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Protest rally in Chechen capital against transfer of Chechen inmates to Russian jails

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/29/2007 2:48 PM
Protest rally in Chechen capital against transfer of Chechen inmates to Russian jails
Publication time: 29 October 2007, 19:04

Relatives of men who are inmates of Chechen and Russian jails staged a rally in capital Jokhar this morning against the transfer of Chechen inmates to prisons in the Russian regions.

The protest, which took place in front of the local government building, was attended by about 80 women. The protesters held placards demanding the return of brothers, sons and husbands who have already been transferred to Russian prisons, and according to the protesters, abused by the camp supervisors and other prisoners.

"My son is in a penal colony in Arkhangelsk oblast. There he was severely beaten simply because he prays regularly and is a Chechen," says Sovdat, mother of one of the imprisoned men. "I'm an old woman now, and I only have one son. If ...
>> full...

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Temporary address for "Human Rights in Russia” internet portal is

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/30/2007 4:56 AM
30.10.2007 10:48 MSK
Temporary address for "Human Rights in Russia” internet portal is
RUSSIA, Moscow. Colleagues of the Internet portal "Human Rights in Russia" (, which was attacked by criminals and temporarily disabled, have created a special temporary site. Its web address is The editorial staff of the Internet portal has requested that we extend this information.

On October 22, the Internet portal of the "Human Rights in Russia" reported its work had been disrupted.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2007-10-29-Rus-30]

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