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Human Rights

Kasparov freed ahaead of Russia poll

posted by zaina19 on November, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/30/2007 11:48 AM

20:14 MECCA TIME, 17:14 GMT

Kasparov freed ahaead of Russia poll
Kasparov's Other Russia coalition has announced plans to hold a demonstration on Monday [AFP]
Garry Kasparov,  the former chess champion and key critic of the Kremlin, has been released after spending five days in jail for holding an unauthorised political rally.

He warned on Thursday that Russia was sliding toward a dictatorship under Vladimir Putin, the Russian president.
"This regime is entering a very dangerous phase that is turning it into a dictatorship," Kasparov told journalists on Thursday as he arrived at his Moscow apartment following his release.
He also complained that he had been denied free access to a lawyer during the five days that he spent in a Moscow prison for taking part in the rally during the weekend.
'Fear and repression'

Kasparov, who leads The Other Russia coalition of opposition ...
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Human rights activists investigate the beating of journalists in Ingushetia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/30/2007 2:57 PM

Human rights activists investigate the beating of journalists in Ingushetia

In Ingushetia, human rights activists have undertaken to investigate the beating of the filming crew of the "Ren-TV" Channel: Ella Pamfilova, leader of the Human Rights Board under Russian President, has personally addressed General Public Prosecutor of Russia Yuri Chaika. The human rights activists think that the Articles, on which the criminal case was initiated, were too lenient (hindrance of lawful professional work of journalists, illegal penetration into one's dwelling and robbery), since they do not treat kidnapping and beating.

"A sad and inevitable conclusion arises - either the Republic's leadership fail to control the situation in Ingushetia or this illegal action was undertaken with the privity of certain officials," the letter to Mr Chaika runs.

The NewTimes report that apart from Ms Pamfilova the letter was signed by the leaders of ...
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Grozny Memorial satisfied with ECHR ruling in Tangiyeva parents’ murder case

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

Grozny Memorial satisfied with ECHR ruling in Tangiyeva parents’ murder case

GROZNY, Chechnya, PW's correspondent – The Memorial Human Rights Centre in Grozny held a press conference today regarding the latest Chechnya-related decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Tangiyeva versus Russia. The organization’s chairman Oleg Orlov was also present at the press conference.

The human rights defenders are satisfied with the ECHR’s ruling in the case of Zaynap Tangiyeva, whose mother and father were killed by Russian soldiers in 2000. It should be noted that the complainant’s brother Shamil Tangiyev is the chairman of the Memorial Centre’s Grozny office, and it was precisely with an effort to secure justice that he began his career as a human rights activist.

Tangiyeva’s case is now the eleventh to be granted a favourable ruling in the current year. In total, Memorial has brought twenty-two complaints by residents of Chechnya to ...
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Journalists and human rights defender kidnapped

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/26/2007 11:24 PM
Journalists and human rights defender kidnapped     
Nazran/Agency Caucasus - Oleg Orlov, Chairman of Memorial, a widely-known Moscow-based human rights organization, and three journalists, fell victim to a series of kidnapping incidents in Ingushetia by Russian secret service and armed forces.

Some armed and masked men kidnapped on Friday night from Nazran Orlov and three other journalists of REN-TV, who are Artyom Visotski, Stanislv Goryachev and Karen Sahinov. After they were kidnapped in car from the Hotel of Assa to the district of Sunjen, they were beaten and ejected from the car. All personal things that the journalists had were usurped by the kidnappers. The four victims managed their way on their own to the nearest police station in the town of Nesterovskaya and let the police hear what had happened to them. One of the wounded journalists was reportedly said to have ...
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Chechen human rights activists boil over Shamanov as Deputy Minister of Defence

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/28/2007 6:04 AM

Chechen human rights activists boil over Shamanov as Deputy Minister of Defence

Appointment of Vladimir Shamanov, a former commander of one of military groupings in Chechnya, to the post of Deputy Minister of Defence of Russia has caused an extremely negative reaction among representatives of Chechen human rights organizations.

Nurdi Nukhaziev, Ombudsman for the Chechen Republic, was among the first to comment on this appointment. "I've discussed Shamanov's appointment with people of different professions and opposing political views, but all of them have agreed that this general was guilty of mass violations of the rights of local population, he planted fear and horror in the Republics, therefore, he doesn't deserve this high post in the Ministry of Defence," he said in his interview to one of Russian mass media.

"General Vladimir Shamanov is a castigator and a butcher, and not a veteran ...
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