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Human Rights

Prisoners' rights violated in the Republic of Komi

posted by zaina19 on December, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/31/2007 5:35 AM
26.12.2007 21:01 MSK
Prisoners' rights violated in the Republic of Komi
RUSSIA, Republic of Komi. The committee "For Civil Liberties" has received a communication about crude violations of the rights of Oleg Kazankov and other prisoners located in the FGU IR -49 colony of the Federal Prison Service of Russia in the Republic of Komi. During the year, the prisoners’ food did not correspond to standards, with meat, fish, and dairy products missing from the ration.

As reported on December 20 to the committee "For Civil Liberties", not less than 40 bags of groats were sent to the colony in the past year. However, these groats were absent from the prisoners' food. The administration of IR -49, in particular, Major of the Internal Service, V. Smirnov, used them not for the nourishment of the prisoners, but in the secondary economy of the colony.

Smirnov extorted cash ...
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CK: Abkhazia's SSS: Slavery Prospers In Georgia

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Abkhazia's SSS: slavery prospers in Georgia


The Service of State Security (SSS) of Abkhazia has stated that evidences of the people, who had been subjected to forced labour for some years in Georgia, should become a weighty proof for international organizations of the fact that slavery is flourishing in the territory of this country.

"The story of Ivan Kirillov, 40, a citizen of Russia, is a confirmation of the aforesaid. Early in December, he managed to run away from the Georgian slavery. According to his story, he was kept in Mestia village in Georgian Svanetia," runs the statement of the Service of State Security as quoted by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Sources from the SSS report that this was not the first case when Russian citizens who have escaped Georgian slavery are rendered assistance in Abkhazia.

Former captives used to tell that in high-mountainous settlements of Georgia practically every household employs slaves from Russia ...

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Nationwide protest rally prepared in Ingushetia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/24/2007 1:29 AM

Nationwide protest rally prepared in Ingushetia

The organizing committee of the nationwide rally informs about preparation of a new mass national protest action against corruption and arbitrariness of the authorities, and against violations of human rights in Ingushetia.

The message states that the exact date of the rally will be announced some 1-2 days in advance of the event, and no notification will be submitted, since local administrations refuse to accept it, while the one sent by mail, according to employees of post office, "got somehow lost."

Currently, the work is underway to prepare the action, the reports.

See earlier reports: "Chechen Committee of National Salvation complains of pressure by the authorities of Ingushetia," "Svetlana Izotyeva, journalist of the "Argumenty i Facty" newspaper, beaten in Ingushetia."

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Chechnya: the "Chechen Society" newspaper deprived of its room for the comment on the course of elections

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/22/2007 12:18 PM

Chechnya: the "Chechen Society" newspaper deprived of its room for the comment on the course of elections

The editorial board of the independent political newspaper "Chechen Society", published in Chechnya, was forced to leave its office in the building of the House of Press in Grozny.

It was found out that the motive for this decision of the authorities was the comment of the editor-in-chief Timur Aliev on the course of voting at the elections of Russian State Duma deputies held in Chechnya. The author has stated that, in his opinion, during the first half of the day at the polling station where he was present about 30 percent of citizens had voted.

Two days after the elections, one of local TV Channels showed the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov who spoke extremely negatively about Timur Aliev. Literally on the next day, ...
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HRC "Memorial": civilians taken hostages of special operation in the capital of Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/22/2007 12:36 PM

HRC "Memorial": civilians taken hostages of special operation in the capital of Chechnya

The Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" informs that during special operation in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, people found themselves in the role of hostages in the situation, when an intensive skirmish burst out between the parties.

We remind you that a special operation was held at night of December 16 in the Leninskiy District of Grozny, during which a combat collision took place.

The document of the HRC "Memorial" runs that the clash had lasted for the whole night with rare 15-20 minute breaks. All this time, the life and health of people, including women and children, was in danger.

On December 18, many victims from House No. 21 in Kirova Avenue filed their applications to the HRC "Memorial" with an appeal to draw attention of the authorities to ...
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