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Human Rights

Gosduma is not legitimate

posted by zaina19 on December, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/27/2007 9:34 PM
4.12.2007 00:40 MSK
Gosduma is not legitimate
Statement from the "Defense" movement
The "Defense" movement does not recognize the results of the December 2 parliamentary "elections". Severe legislative restrictions, inequality of participants, administrative actions and an unprecedented scale of falsification—these are the methods by which "United Russia" and Vladimir Putin have attempted to prolong their authority.

Changes introduced into election legislation in recent years has left out many political forces, and made many others dependent on the actions of the authorities. These changes include legislation concerning an increase in the minimum number of parties, the 7% election barrier, the prohibition of blocs, new "anti-extremist" laws, the cancellation of the "against all" rule, a threshold on voters, new rules on the election of governors and the prohibition of the independent observers. Some of these laws have already transformed the elections into a screen behind which the authorities ...
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Abkhazia's SSS: slavery prospers in From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 12/27/2007 10:05 PM CAUCASIAN KNOT / NEWS 24/12/2007 HRC "Memorial": uncle of assassinated kid dismissed for refusal to commit perjury in Ingushetia In Ingushetia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/27/2007 10:05 PM

HRC "Memorial": uncle of assassinated kid dismissed for refusal to commit perjury in Ingushetia

In Ingushetia, uncle of Rakhim Amriev, a boy of six murdered on November 9, 2007, in Chemulga village by members of power agencies, was fired from his post after a telephone call from the prosecutor's office, the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" informs, reminding that earlier Aslan Amriev refused to give false evidences in the case of his nephew's killing.

"On December 18, 2007, Ramzan Abubakarovich Amriev, father of Rakhim Amriev, 6, assassinated by members of power agencies, addressed the HRC 'Memorial' and said that on December 15 his relative Aslan Amriev, who for a number of recent years had been employed as the executive officer in the administration of Chemulga village, was dismissed by a call from the Prosecutor's Office. Ramzan Amriev is sure that Aslan ...
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Refugees forced to leave Michurina camp

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/30/2007 7:27 AM
Refugees forced to leave Michurina camp
Caharkala/Agency Caucasus - Neither abroad nor in Chechenya can Chechens find peace after they had to leave their country in the wake of the war.
As many as 800 Chechen refugees were forced out of a camp in the town of Michurina, where they were accommodated temporarily, because Russia's puppet government of Chechnya came up with a plan to convert the camp building into a health center.
Headed by a local authority, a group of gunned and camouflaged security forces raided on December 23 the refugee camp on Street Ponyatkova in the Michurina town of Oktyabrski, according to the refugees here. The refugees were ordered to evacuate the camp building within three days. Some refugees were forcibly sent to another overpopulated camp, while some others sought shelter in their relatives' houses. The gunned and camouflaged men were reported ...
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Poland disallows Chechens right of exit

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/30/2007 7:45 AM
Poland disallows Chechens right of exit     
Warsaw/Agency Caucasus - The inclusion of Poland as a member of the European Union on December 21 in Schengen got the hunting started for Chechens trying to cross the border.

Just as a group of Chechens were detained last week while they tried to cross by train Poland's border to Germany, another group of Chechens were detained on the border of Czech Republic. Security officers of the Polish border detained 28 Chechens while they tried to cross the border to Czech Republic on a Polish train from Warsaw to Vienna.

Reported to have been granted by Polish authorities provisional documents of asylum, this group of Chechens had 12 children.

Although the Warsaw administration embraced Chechens at the risk of gaining Russia's anger for doing so, the administration does not allow the Chechens to go to different parts ...
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Human rights activist mark 90th anniversary of the creation of political security services

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/31/2007 5:27 AM
26.12.2007 11:56 MSK
Human rights activist mark 90th anniversary of the creation of political security services
RUSSIA, Moscow. On December 20, in Moscow, in Novopushinsky Square, a peaceful demonstration was held marking the Day for Security Services Workers. On this day in 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VCHK) was created, an organization which reorganized many times and has been known over the past 90 years by the following names: GPU, OGPU, THE NKVD, NKGB, THE MGB, THE KGB, FSB.

Until 1995, December 20 was known as State Security Agent Day. On December 20, 1995, the President of Russia issued an edict "on the establishment of a Day for Security Services Workers of the Russian Federation". Representatives of the Pacifist Action Committee, The Pacifist Club, and the "For Human Rights" movement participated in the demonstration - a total of about 25 people.

Beginning in 1999, when Vladimir ...
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