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Human Rights

IWPR: Top Of The Class

posted by eagle on July, 2008 as Human Rights

Top of the Class

By Salla Nazarenko in Tbilisi


Salla Nazarenko, Cross Caucasus Journalism Network
In an article published recently in the Central Asian web magazine Oasis, a Kyrgyz journalist expressed frustration at remarks made by the current OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Alexander Stubb, who is Finland’s foreign minister, after visiting Kyrgyzstan for the first time.

“As western leaders are prone to do, Stubb described Kyrgyzstan as a ‘flagship of building an open, democratic society, ensuring freedom of speech and protecting human rights in the region’,” Almaz Kalet said in the article.

Kalet went on to ask why Kyrgyzstan must always be compared with its Central Asian neighbours. It’s a fair question.

Certainly, compared with Uzbekistan, and even with Kazakstan – soon to take over as chair of the OSCE – Kyrgyzstan boasts relative freedom.

But when one compares the situation in Kyrgyzstan now with the ...

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IWPR: IWPR Caucasus

posted by eagle on March, 2008 as Human Rights

IWPR Caucasus

March 08 to August 08

In the last six months, the main challenge facing the IWPR Caucasus project has been covering the Georgian-Russia war, which erupted in August over the disputed region of South Ossetia.

The conflict began on the night of August 7-8, and raged for some five days as Moscow intervened to stop Georgian troops trying to regain control of South Ossetia, which won de facto autonomy in the early 1990s.

Coverage of Russia-Georgian war

“IWPR was the only media organisation in Georgia, which did not suspend operations at any time during the Russian-Georgian war and continued to produce balanced and objective reports for thousands of readers.”

Journalists report on aftermath of war

“I am very grateful to IWPR – were it not for its workshops and visits to conflict regions, my work, I guess, would be less ...

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Warsaw - Poland denied Chechen refugees the right of entry to Germany.

posted by zaina19 on December, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/27/2007 6:36 AM
Poland denies Chechens entry into Germany     

Warsaw - Poland denied Chechen refugees the right of entry to Germany.

The Polish police detained a group of 59 Chechen refugees while they set off for different German cities in the wake of Poland's integration into the Schengen province. Of the entire Chechens detained at two separate stations, 28 were children, authorities said.  

The refugees hold visas that allow them to stay in Poland but ban them from traveling to other countries of the European Union, or EU, said Dorota Mazur, spokesperson for the border police.

Although the police have stopped strict checks along the border between Poland and Germany since last Thursday, suspects may still be subject to police investigation at times. The German administration warned the Polish government that stowaways might increase in number in the wake of Schengen. (Agency Caucasus)


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Oleg Kozlovsky sent from the Military Registration and Enlistment Office to a military assembly point

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

Recommend      Message 1 of 1 in Discussion
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/27/2007 9:28 PM
26.12.2007 12:07 MSK
Oleg Kozlovsky sent from the Military Registration and Enlistment Office to a military assembly point
Oleg Kozlovsky
Oleg Kozlovsky
RUSSIA, Moscow. On December 20, at approximately 3:00pm, the coordinator of the "Defense" movement, Oleg Kozlovsky was taken from the Izmailovsky Military Registration and Enlistment Office from a back entrance and sent by cars with license plates bearing yellow numbers 732 vn. 77 (supposedly) to the assembly point at Ugreshskoy St, Building 8. The last SMS from Oleg Kozlovsky read: "They are taking me somewhere", reported a member presidium of the Democratic Union of Young People, Igor Drandin.

Drandin reported that they had attempted to take Oleg Kozlovsky into the army for FSB observation earlier. On December 20, at approximately 10 am, Kozlovsky exited his house and was met by a district policeman. He told ...
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Prisoners' rights violated in the Republic of Komi

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/27/2007 9:31 PM
26.12.2007 21:01 MSK
Prisoners' rights violated in the Republic of Komi
RUSSIA, Republic of Komi. The committee "For Civil Liberties" has received a communication about crude violations of the rights of Oleg Kazankov and other prisoners located in the FGU IR -49 colony of the Federal Prison Service of Russia in the Republic of Komi. During the year, the prisoners’ food did not correspond to standards, with meat, fish, and dairy products missing from the ration.

As reported on December 20 to the committee "For Civil Liberties", not less than 40 bags of groats were sent to the colony in the past year. However, these groats were absent from the prisoners' food. The administration of IR -49, in particular, Major of the Internal Service, V. Smirnov, used them not for the nourishment of the prisoners, but in the secondary economy of the colony.

Smirnov extorted cash ...
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