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Human Rights

RFE/RL: U.S. Chides China, Iran, Central Asian States Over Rights (Part 1)

posted by eagle on February, 2009 as Human Rights

U.S. Chides China, Iran, Central Asian States Over Rights (Part 1)

Tibet, along with the Xinjiang region, was among the State Department's
greatest concerns with respect to China.
February 26, 2009
The U.S. State Department has issued its annual report assessing human rights around the world during 2008. Among its most notable passages, the report criticizes Russia for putting civil liberties "under siege" and faults China for a record that "remained poor and worsened in some areas." We summarize the report in a two-part series. Here in Part 1, we look at the State Department's assessment of Asian states.

WASHINGTON -- U.S. officials sharply criticized China's human rights record as they presented the annual State Department Human Rights Report in Washington on February 25.

The report says China's record "remained poor and worsened in some areas" even as the country hosted the summer ...

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Independent: Johann Hari: We Can't Allow Russia's Dissidents To Be Killed On Europe's Streets

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


We must choose to protect them, or let them be picked off on our streets
Wednesday, 25 February 2009

The critics of Vladimir Putin – Russia's Prime Minister and former KGB agent – have a strange habit of being found shot or stabbed or poisoned. This week, I met a man who is half-expecting an assassin's bullet – here, in London. He is not alone. Ahmed Zakayev – a big, broad man with a grey beard and grief-soaked eyes – says: "I remember holding a press conference near here with my dear friends Alexander Litvinenko and Anna Politkovskaya. Now they are murdered and I am the only one left. But I have no right to sit in a hole and shake. I have to speak."

Zakayev is a Chechen, and his people have been pounded by Putin and his predecessors for too long. The ...

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UWIRE: Russian Injustice

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russian Injustice

By Paula Millar

February 25, 2009

Source: Freelance Contributor

MOSCOW MURDER - Anna Politkovskaya was found dead in her apartment stairwell.


 Never upset the status quo and never draw too much attention to yourself.

While North American news agencies would never abide by such conventions, these guidelines serve as fundamental rules of engagement for Russian journalists.

While not the first – and likely not the last – Anna Politkovskaya was a prominent Russian journalist who pushed the boundaries, disregarded government warnings and lost her life because of it.

Politkovskaya, an outspoken and widely publicized critic of The Kremlin, devoted her life to bringing recognition to her choice cause – Chechnya. Never one to shy away from putting her true feelings in print, she wrote extensively on Russian military human rights abuses in the rebel-controlled territory.

Her decidedly hard-hitting pieces were published ...

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HRW: Russia: Investigate Threats To Civic Group

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Mounting Neo-Nazi Calls for Violence and Intimidation Against Research Center SOVA
February 25, 2009

These are threats to the lives of activists and to all of Russia's civil society. Ultranationalist violence is on the rise, and the Russian government needs to treat this as an emergency and protect those at risk.

Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch

(New York) -- Russian law-enforcement authorities should ensure that neo-Nazi groups stop their threats against a leading Russian NGO and hold the perpetrators accountable, Human Rights Watch said today.

At about 9:30 p.m. on February 21, 2009, a group of neo-Nazis made a threatening visit to the apartment of Alexander Verkhovsky, director of SOVA Center, an ...

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Window On Eurasia: Strasbourg Court Rules For Russian Judge Against Russian Government

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Window on Eurasia: Strasbourg Court Rules for Russian Judge against Russian Government

Paul Goble

Vienna, February 25 – The European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg will announce tomorrow that it has found the Russian government to have the rights of Moscow City Judge Olga Kudeshkina when it dismissed her in 2004 for expressing her opinions about the political situation there, Moscow’s “Kommersant” reports today.
Kudeshkina was stripped of her position after she said during the course of her unsuccessful campaign for a Duma seat that the chief judge of the Moscow city court had put pressure on her in a case involving senior interior ministry officials and thus had converted the courts into little more than a place for “settling political scores.”
As a result, she said at that time, “no one can be certain that his case will be resolved according to the law,” ...

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