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Human Rights

Caucasian Knot: Sochi Residents Are Ready To Reach European Court In Fight For Their Rights

posted by eagle on March, 2009 as Human Rights

Sochi residents are ready to reach European Court in fight for their rights

mar 05 2009, 18:00

The residents of the Imereti Valley in Sochi, whose houses turned out to be within the Olympic construction zone, are ready to apply to the European Court on Human Rights in defence of their rights to favourable environment, housing and a choice of place for residence.

"The citizens who should move first filed complaints to the Adler City Court, then - to the Krasnodar Territorial one. They were 22 persons in number, all of them - individuals. They demanded to cancel the order of Governor of the Territory Tkachov about alienation of their land plots for construction of Olympic objects. However, all the claims were rejected, the courts found no violations of the law," said Alik Le, leader of the NGO named "Union of Imereti Residents".

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HRW: Seven Initiatives Congress Should Take On International Justice

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

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HRW: Eight Initiatives The Obama Administration Should Take On International Justice

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Window On Eurasia: Moscow Reportedly Authorizes Militia To Shoot At Anti-Government Demonstrators

posted by eagle on February, 2009 as Human Rights


Friday, February 27, 2009


Window on Eurasia: Moscow Reportedly Authorizes Militia to Shoot at Anti-Government Demonstrators

Paul Goble

Vienna, February 27 – The Russian interior ministry has authorized its forces to shoot at anti-government protesters if the situation appears to be getting out of hand, a decision that has been leaked rather than publicly announced and one that may be more intended to intimidate than to indicate what the militia will actually do.
Lyudmila Alekseyeva, the longtime president of the Moscow Helsinki Group, said that the ministry had issued “for official use only” Order No. 800 giving the militia the right to shoot at demonstrators if they cause trouble or refuse to disperse when the authorities give the order (
The order comes on the heels of training exercises in Nizhny Novgorod where militia units practiced “dispersing meetings and saving officials” and where it is possible the authorities concluded ...

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RFE/RL: U.S. Assesses Russia, Belarus, Caucasus States In Rights Report (Part 2)

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

U.S. Assesses Russia, Belarus, Caucasus States In Rights Report (Part 2)

Armored vehicles patrol the streets of the Armenian capital, Yerevan, in the
wake of the February 2008 presidential election.
February 26, 2009
The U.S. State Department has issued its annual report assessing human rights around the world during 2008, and Russia and a number of European and Caucasus countries come in for stiff criticism. The report describes civil liberties as "under siege" in Russia, and says that Belarus continues to have "very poor" rights practices. We summarize the report in a two-part series. Here in Part 2, we look at the assessment of Eastern European and Caucasus states. (Take me to Part 1)

Presenting the annual human rights survey in Washington, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said February 25 that she wants the report to act as a catalyst for ...

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