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Human Rights

The Other Russia: Yukos Lawyer Released On Parole – Expert Commentary

posted by eagle on April, 2009 as Human Rights

Yukos Lawyer Released on Parole – Expert Commentary

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Svetlana Bakhmina, a former attorney with the Yukos oil company, was released on parole Tuesday after an extended public campaign in her support.  Bakhmina, 39, became the focus of public attention after she was denied parole four times, despite the fact that she had three young children at home and became pregnant when she was allowed to visit her family last March.  While Bakhmina was convicted of embezzlement along with a handful of other Yukos executives, many political analysts say the trial was political, and attribute her prosecution with a political war against former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Some of Russia’s leading human rights experts and commentators spoke about the significance of the event (below).  Their commentary first appeared in the Yezhednevny Zhurnal and Grani.ruonline newspapers.

Viktor Shenderovich, writer:

Thank God that this happened.  But then comes the question – what are we measuring against?  If we measure against the norms ...

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CK: KBR's Human Rights Activists Urge Medvedev And State Duma To Announce Amnesty By Victory Day

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

KBR's human rights activists urge Medvedev and State Duma to announce amnesty by Victory Day

apr 22 2009, 20:00

Members of human rights organizations of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Circassia have offered the authorities of Russia to announce amnesty by the Victory Day, including for the participants of events on October 13, 2005, in Nalchik.

"In view of the fact that earlier amnesties were announced for those who committed socially dangerous acts in the course of confrontation in the Chechen Republic, we hereby ask to exhibit humanity to those who revealed resistance on October 13, 2005, to law enforcement bodies after they were persecuted for defence of their rights to profess their Islamic religion," says the statement sent to Russian President Medvedev, Chairman of the Council of Federation Mironov and Speaker of the State Duma Gryzlov.

The initiators of the appeal were L. Mamkhegova, head of the Committee of Soldier's Mothers of Kabardino-Balkaria, S. Shebzukhov, head ...

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CK: In Sochi, Lady-Journalist Who Made Nemtsov's Pre-Election Video Clip Was Attacked

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

In Sochi, lady-journalist who made Nemtsov's pre-election video clip was attacked

apr 22 2009, 19:00

The journalist who made a television clip for Boris Nemtsov, a candidate for Sochi Mayor, was attacked. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told about it by Olga Shorina, press secretary of the Movement named "Solidarity".

Anastasia Akopyan, former employee of the VGTRK Sochi TV Channel, who was attacked, said that she does not know the culprits. Two men in civil clothes came up to her and started a conversation. By the way they spoke she thought at first that they were militiamen, although they showed no documents. 

"They began asking why she was working for improper persons. They promised to show 'proper' persons to her, and suddenly lodged a blow on her face," said Ms Shorina.

She has added that they are drafting a statement to the militia on the fact of the incident with Anastasia Akopyan.

"At our meetings with ...

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CK: Finnish NGOs Appeal To Russian President

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Finnish NGOs Appeal to Russian President

Posted By Kerkko Paananen On 21.04.2009 @ 08:27 In IhmisoikeudetKansalaistoimintaSukukansatTiedoteTshetsheniaUlkopolitiikkaVenäjän oppositioYleisötilaisuus | 1 Comment

Appeal of Finnish NGOs to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, read outside the Presidential Palace in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, on 20 April 2009. The appeal was signed by Amnesty International Finnish Section, Finnish PEN, Finnish-Russian Civic Forum, and Kiila. The appeal is available in Russian at

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Window On Eurasia: Finns Call On Medvedev To End Violations Of Rights And Freedoms In Russia

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Window on Eurasia: Finns Call on Medvedev to End Violations of Rights and Freedoms in Russia

Paul Goble

Vienna, April 21 – Four leading Finnish non-governmental organizations have called on visiting President Dmitry Medvedev to live up to his promises to protect human rights and civic freedoms and to end the violence against journalists and ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation that are creating a gulf between Moscow and Europe.
The appeal, signed by the leaders of the Kiila Social Union, the Finno-Russian Civic Forum, the Finnish Section of Amnesty International, and the Finnish PEN Center, says that its members “had hoped for the development in Russia of a society which shares European values like human rights and civic freedoms” ( 
But given recent developments in various sectors of Russian life, it continues, the signatories “are deeply concerned by the state of the observation of human rights in Russia,” all the ...

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