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Human Rights

CK: Court Refuses To Consider The Arrest Case Of Former Advocate Of Kalmykian Ex-Senator

posted by eagle on April, 2009 as Human Rights

Court refuses to consider the arrest case of former advocate of Kalmykian ex-senator

apr 29 2009, 23:50

On April 28, the Zamoskvoretskiy Court of Moscow returned to the Investigatory Department for Moscow of the RF's ICPO the petition on arrest in absentia of advocate Boris Kuznetsov, accused of disclosing state secrets. Earlier, Mr Kuznetsov had presented the interests of Levon Chakhmakhchyan, ex-senator from Kalmykia, convicted to nine years of imprisonment.

Judge Irina Ivanova could not hold a session, since the documents presented by the inquiry in support of the petition were classified as "Secret". "Meanwhile, regional courts have no the so-called 'secret office management'," said advocate Ruslan Koblev who is representing Boris Kuznetsov's interests. According to his version, the petition on Kuznetsov's arrest in absentia was returned for appropriate drawing up. 

"Now, the inspectors should either declassify the materials or apply to the Moscow City Court for the arrest, where they have a special ...

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CK: Kabardino-Balkarian HRC States Breach Of Inmate's Rights

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Kabardino-Balkarian HRC states breach of inmate's rights

apr 29 2009, 23:30

The Kabardino-Balkarian Human Rights Centre (HRC) has sent a letter to the Federal Service of Punishment Enforcement on illegal convoying of prisoner Aslanbek Mutsolgov to Omsk from a corrective colony in Kabardino-Balkaria, while his case on conditional early relief (CER) was under consideration.

Human rights activists were addressed by Dzhappueva, Abad Makhtievna, who complained against the actions of Etezov, B. Kh., head of Colony No. 3 of Kabardino-Balkaria, who prevents the CER of her son - Mutsolgov, Aslanbek Magomedovich, who is serving his term in this colony.

As a result of interference of the Kabardino-Balkarian HRC and Republic's Ombudsman, the materials on the CER, together with a positive characteristic of convict Mutsolgov, were sent to the Chegem District Court for consideration. The materials also contained a petition of the colony administration dated October 27, 2008. However, on November 13, 2008, Mutsolgov was convoyed ...

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Window On Eurasia: Without Naming Russia But Describing Problems There, PACE Calls For Defense Of Human Rights Activists

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Without Naming Russia but Describing Problems There, PACE Calls for Defense of Human Rights Activists

Paul Goble

Vienna, April 29 – By a vote of 113 to 3, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe yesterday passed a resolution calling on member states to protect human rights activists, and although that document does not mention Russia by name, the discussion preceding its adoption shows that attacks on such activists there were a major reason PACE took this step.
Even that typically diplomatic approach was too much for two Russian delegates, however, who, while not denying there have been problems, suggested that some people who call themselves human rights activists are in fact something else and that the situation in Estonia, for example, is far worse than in Russia.
In its report on yesterday’s PACE session, Moscow’s “Kommersant” today described not only the “diplomatic” way in which the ...

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Prague Watchdog: Chechnya's Strasbourg "Anniversary"

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

April 25th 2009 · Prague Watchdog / Kirill Koroteyev. ALSO AVAILABLE IN: RUSSIAN 

Chechnya's Strasbourg "anniversary"

 By Kirill Koroteyev, lawyer with Moscow’s Memorial Human Rights Centre, special to Prague Watchdog


On April 23, 2009 the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued five new decisions on disappearances and killings in Chechnya in the cases of Alaudinova v. Russia, Bitiyeva and others v. Russia, Gakayev and Gakayeva v. Armenia, Israilova and others v. Russia, and Khachukayev v. Russia. Any of one them could be – and is – the 100th “Chechen»” ruling by the European Court. Though not to the exact day, but nearly so, these 100 rulings coincide with the tenth anniversary of the recently “completed” “counterterrorist operation” (CTO). The CTO began in September 1999, and in the cases of Mezhidov v. Russia and Isayeva and Yusupova and Bazayeva v. Russia it was established that Russian military aircraft carried out the indiscriminate bombing of civilians fleeing Grozny ...

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CK: In Krasnodar Territory, Ship-Owner Company Promised To Pay Debts To Seamen Hungerstriking In Eysk

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

In Krasnodar Territory, ship-owner company promised to pay debts to seamen hungerstriking in Eysk

apr 22 2009, 23:40

The company, which fails to pay salaries to the crew of the Russian ship "Artemida", now in the Krasnodar Territory at the ship-repair works in the city of Eysk, promised to settle, before April 26, the conflict with the seamen who have announced a hunger strike.

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" informed that the members of the crew of the broken tanker "Artemida" which is now in Eysk, have announced a partial nutrition from food in protest against protraction of paying salary from November 2008. The seamen have also addressed the transport militia.

"We're no less interested in eliminating the incident and restarting the work of the ship than the crew. We hope to do it till the end of this week," the "Kommersant" quotes the message of the ship owning company.

For several weeks, the seamen were ...

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