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The Other Russia: Garry Kasparov’s Statement To President Barack Obama

posted by eagle on July, 2009 as Human Rights

Garry Kasparov’s Statement to President Barack Obama provides a full transcript of United Civil Front Chairman Garry Kasparov’s statement to US President Barack Obama.  (Download the statement in PDF format).  Kasparov was one of a handful of Russian opposition leaders to meet with Obama on Tuesday.Afterward, Kasparov gave this interview about his impressions of Obama and the meeting.

Garry Kasparov – Chairman of the United Civil Front 

Moscow, Russia
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Statement to President Barack Obama

Thank you, Mr. Obama, for meeting with us here today. It is odd that a meeting with the president of the United States is easier to achieve for most of us than a visit with the president of  Russia. Those of us who oppose the current Kremlin regime have ever-fewer opportunities to express our opposition – not in our fraudulent elections, our state-dominated media, or even in the streets of Russia.

I have spent considerable time in those streets in ...

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Eurasia Daily Monitor: Dagestan's Most Significant Opposition Newspaper Accused Of Extremism

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Dagestan's Most Significant Opposition Newspaper Accused of Extremism

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor 
June 30, 2009 02:40 PM 

Chernovik Editor-in-Chief Nadira Isaeva

On June 15, the Dagestani branch of Rossvyazkomnadzor, the Russian state agency that oversees the media, filed a lawsuit to shut down the Makhachkala-based independent weekly Chernovik because of its alleged support for extremist views, and on June 18 the paper had its first court hearing. At the same time, the newspaper's outspoken editor-in-chief Nadira Isaeva and several of the paper's reporters are involved in a separate criminal court case, accused of inciting interethnic strife (, June 18).

Chernovik has regularly had court battles with the authorities, but this is the first time the paper is in such a difficult position. The international press freedom watchdog organization Reporters Without Borders claimed in a grim report on the media situation in Dagestan that Chernovik is unlikely to survive this attack (, June 25).

The founder ...

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Jamestown Foundation: Rights Activists Paint Grim Picture Of North Caucasus Situation

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Rights Activists Paint Grim Picture of North Caucasus Situation

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor 
July 2, 2009 11:47 AM

By: The Jamestown Foundation

Amnesty International said in a report released on June 30 that ongoing human rights abuses in Chechnya, Ingushetia and other parts of the North Caucasus give the lie to claims made by the Russia authorities that the region is generally reverting to "normal" after years of human rights abuses. The 48-page report, entitled "Rule without law: Human rights violations in the North Caucasus," details unlawful killings, disappearances, arbitrary detention, alleged torture, threats to and harassment of families of those affected, and forced eviction of people displaced by earlier fighting, in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Commenting on the Russian authorities' claim that the situation in the North Caucasus is normalizing, Tim Hancock, the campaigns director for Amnesty International's branch in the United Kingdom, said: "Is it normal to attempt to redevelop parts of ...

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NewsVine: Russia Approves Bill Easing Pressure On NGOs

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russia approves bill easing pressure on NGOs

MOSCOW MILLS — Russia's lower house of parliament on Friday approved a bill easing restrictions on the country's beleaguered human rights groups and other non-governmental organizations.

Observers say Russia is keen to show its liberal credentials ahead of President Barack Obama's three-day visit to Moscow beginning Monday.

The Kremlin-loyal State Duma hurried through the bill's second and third reading Friday. It cleared by a vote of 383 for to 57 against, with no abstentions.

The bill needs rubber-stamping by the obedient upper house of parliament before President Dmitry Medvedev can sign it into law.

The bill would amend a restrictive law passed three years ago under Medvedev's predecessor Vladimir Putin, who said tight regulations were necessary to make sure that NGOs were not controlled from abroad.

The 2006 law requires organizations to file highly detailed reports about their activities for ...

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Window On Eurasia: Ethno-Linguistic Group In The Middle Volga Seeks Republic Status

posted by eagle on as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Ethno-Linguistic Group in the Middle Volga Seeks Republic Status

Paul Goble

Vienna, July 2 – Furious at what they see as threats to their language and culture, the Erzyans, a 300,000 plus-strong Finno-Ugric linguistic community that Moscow has long treated as part of the Mordvin nation, are demanding that Moscow agree to establish a separate and distinct Erzyan Autonomous Republic within the Russian Federation
The Congress of the Erzyan People (“Erzyan’ Inekuzho”) ten days ago declared that discrimination against their nation has become so severe and so violates the norms of international law and the Russian Constitution that it had no choice but to seek its own autonomous republic.
The congress, which was established by the Erzyan national movement in 2006, specifically complained about “the lack of a systematic program of instruction of children in their native language … and the absence of cultural institutions who conduct their ...

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