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Human Rights

KC: Chechen Refugees Are Waiting For Help

posted by eagle on July, 2009 as Human Rights

Chechen refugees are waiting for help

Publication time: 18 July 2009, 15:24 

Omer Bezirgan, General Secretary of IMKAN-DER, visiting Chechen refugee camp in Azerbaijan said: "As martyr spouses can not pay their rents, 7-8 people live in single room houses. Russian propagandists tell that the invasion is over but if the war in Caucasus was over, would these people bear this disgrace?"

Fahrettin Dede, our vorrespondent, listened impressions of Omer Bezirgan in Chechen camps. Imran Abdulazimov, Chechen Commander in Turkey and Deputy President and Founder of IMKAN-DER was there too.

In the previous days, Omer Bezirgan, General Secretary of Defend Human and Brothership Association IMKAN-DER, who made a 2 days long visit to the region in order to observe the conditions of Chechen refugees in Azerbaijan, told his impressions to Vakit.


Bezirgan, observing the harassments of nearly 1500 Chechen refugees living in Azerbaijan under UN protection on the spot, said "I had the opportunity ...

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YubaNet: UN Experts Offer Help In Investigating Killings Of Rights Defenders

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

UN experts offer help in investigating killings of rights defenders

By: UN News

July 21, 2009 - United Nations independent human rights experts today said that they stand ready to assist Russian authorities in carrying out an independent investigation into the recent string of murders of human rights lawyers, journalists and defenders, including the killing last week of Natalia Estemirova, a prominent activist looking into alleged rights abuses in Chechnya.

The seven experts acknowledged that Russia's leaders have expressed outrage and have pledged that all necessary steps will be taken to apprehend and punish those behind the killing of Ms. Estemirova.

"However, these assurances will be worth little unless the authorities take steps that go beyond what has been done in the past, which has all too often led to a cycle of impunity," they said in a press release issued in Geneva.

Ms. Estemirova, who worked for ...

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RFE/RL: Memorial's Closure Leaves Chechens With Nowhere To Turn

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Memorial's Closure Leaves Chechens With Nowhere To Turn

A portrait of slain rights activist Natalya Estemirova on a memorial in Grozny to journalists who have died in the fight for free speech

July 20, 2009
By Claire Bigg
In January 2002, Zelimkhan Yezhiyev's son left his village in Chechnya on a trip to the neighboring republic of Ingushetia.

He was never seen again.

So Yezhiyev did what many Chechens do in that situation -- he traveled to the republican capital, Grozny, and knocked on the door of Memorial, Russia's leading human rights group.

That's where he first met Natalya Estemirova, one of the region's boldest rights campaigners, who became Yezhiyev's main ally in the search for his son.

She helped him file inquiries with the police and take his case to court, and she offered much-needed advice and moral support. His son, 22 at the time of his disappearance, is still missing.

Yezhiyev again sought Estemirova's help when armed men ...

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Window On Eurasia: Russians Now View Political Murders As Something They Can Do Little About, Rights Activists Say

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2009

Window on Eurasia: Russians Now View Political Murders as Something They Can Do Little About, Rights Activists Say

Paul Goble

Vienna, July 17 – As reaction to the murder of Natalya Estemirova shows, two Moscow rights activists say, political murders have become so common in Russia that ever more Russians now view them as part of the ordinary course of events, occasions for “tearful grief but not anger or protest” against the system that created the conditions for them.
In a comment posted on the portal this week, Nadezhda Nizovkina and Tatyana Stetsura argue that the kidnapping and murder of the Grozny journalist is especially horrible because it shows that Russians have become “so accustomed to political murders that [they] consider them a natural way of death” (
“Natalya Estemirova was the first laureate of the Anna Politkovskaya Prize,” they point out, suggesting that “this award as a symbol of ...

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Window On Eurasia: Chechens Fear Memorial’s Departure Opens Door To More Repression

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

MONDAY, JULY 20, 2009

Window on Eurasia: Chechens Fear Memorial’s Departure Opens Door to More Repression

Paul Goble

Vienna, July 20 – Many Chechens fear that the decision of the Memorial Legal Defense Center last week to suspend its operations in their republic in the wake of the murder of its representative Natalya Estemirova will “untie” the hands of the force structures there and lead to even more repression.
And their fears are compounded by the Russian Duma’s consideration of a measure that, while promising to provide compensation to victims of official violence, could have the effect of making it more difficult for Chechens and other victims to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, a venue that has been their court of last resort in many cases. 
Last Friday, the leadership of the Memorial Center announced that it was suspending operations in Chechnya both as a protest against the murder of ...

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