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Human Rights


posted by eagle on June, 2012 as Human Rights


UA: 175/12 Index: EUR 44/011/2012 Turkey Date: 20 June 2012



Turkish activist and journalist Enes Kuban Kural received a death threat on 15 May while making his way home from his offices in Istanbul. This is the latest in a series of threats and intimidation against him since April. Enes Kuban Kural believes the threats are in connection with his campaigning activities protesting against the 2014 Winter Olympics being held in Sochi, Southwest Russia. He has asked the authorities to provide him with protection, which has not yet been granted.

As a member of the Kafkasya Forumu (Caucases Forum), Enes Kuban Kural has been actively campaigning against the 2014 Winter Olympics in being held in Sochi, south-western Russia. The Kafkasya Forumu is a Turkey based non-governmental organisation working towards a goal of united and independent Caucases. He believes that the threats and ...

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Opposition in Russia Gaining High Profile Support

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Putin’s Famous Enemy

Opposition in Russia Gaining High Profile Support

Now that he’s officially back in charge, Russian President Vladimir Putin is going after his opponents with a vengeance. But it’s not just Western diplomats he’s locking horns with these days — it’s also Moscow’s most famous gossip columnist.

Bozhena, as she calls herself because she thought the name Yevgenia too boring, is an unexpected heroine in the uprising against Vladimir Putin. The president’s system has brought Russia stability and economic growth — as well as fame and fortune for Bozhena herself. As Moscow’s most famous gossip columnist, Bozhena (the "divine”) Rynska wrote for the pro-government newspaper Izvestia for years, worked as a lingerie model and fostered close ties with the rich and the beautiful.

"I had affairs and entertained myself,” she recounts at a bar in a luxury hotel in Moscow. "Then I woke up because the Kremlin is in the process of destroying Russia.”Bozhena ...

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Arab Spring Effects On Nations Colonized By Russia

posted by eagle on February, 2012 as Human Rights

Arab Spring Effects On Nations Colonized By Russia


No one had predicted or even imagined that the Tunisian protests started in the early 2011, and Elbu Ezizi’s sacrificing himself for the salvation of his entire nation that had suffered of tyranny, obsession, authoritarian rule and falsification of elections for tens of years, to keep the same group that acted like a gang in power.


The Arab Spring’s train did not freeze in Tunisia; but continued a historical journey to other countries such as Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, and has presently reached Syria, which has tackled the tyrannies in charge of those countries.


Two of the above mentioned countries, Libya and Syria were considered the strongest allies with the Russian state in strategic and other vital contacts that included arms and military ties. In the Libyan example, Russia had tried to ...

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Window On Eurasia: Russian Senator’s Proposal To Restore Katorga As A Punishment Criticized

posted by eagle on June, 2011 as Human Rights


Window on Eurasia: Russian Senator’s Proposal to Restore Katorga as a Punishment Criticized

Paul Goble

Staunton, June 7 – A member of the Federation Council has called for the restoration of the tsarist-era system of katorga under which those guilty of especially serious crimes such a terrorism, drug dealing or child murders would be sentenced to harsh physical labor without the possibility of commutation of sentence, or the right of correspondence. 

Aleksey Aleksandrov, chairman of the Federation Council’s committee on constitutional law, speaking at a congress of jurists at Moscow State University this past week called for the introduction of the legal category of "evil doer” and the use of the katorga system as punishment for such criminals (

But Russian legal specialists are appalled by this idea. Lyudmila Alpern, the deputy head of the Center for the Support of the Reform of Criminal Justice, for example, told Andrey Polunin of ...

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Amnesty Slams Russia For Human Rights Violation

posted by eagle on May, 2011 as Human Rights

Amnesty slams Russia for human rights violation
Saturday - May 14, 2011

Moscow - Human rights watchdog Amnesty International has criticised Russia for continuing violation of human rights
and freedom in the country.

"Freedom of assembly and expression continued to come under attack, including through the banning of demonstrations, their violent dispersal and the prosecution of individuals under anti-extremism legislation," the
London-based organisation said in its annual report published Friday.

The organisation cited clampdown on several peaceful demonstrations in Moscow and St. Petersburg and gay parades.

"Human rights defenders and independent journalists continued to face threats, harassment and attacks, and investigations yielded few concrete results," the report said.

It blamed the inefficient and corrupt justice system for their failure to improve human rights.

"Corruption and collusion between the police, investigators and prosecutors were widely perceived as undermining the effectiveness of investigations and obstructing prosecutions," it said.

The report said there was a rise in racially motivated violence in the country. It ...

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