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Human Rights

CK: European Court Again Condemns Russia For Disappearance Of Chechen Resident

posted by eagle on July, 2009 as Human Rights

European Court again condemns Russia for disappearance of Chechen resident

jul 23 2009, 23:30

Today in Strasbourg, the decision on the case "Mutsaeva versus Russia" was announced, in which the European Court on Human Rights (ECtHR) has recognized Russia's violation of a whole range of articles of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in relation to Khizir Tepsurkaev, detained by power agents in 2001 in Chechnya and missing since.

The Court has ruled that Russia shall pay out 35,000 euros as compensation of moral damage to applicant Zara Mutsaeva, Tepsurkaev's mother.

The statement of the HRC "
Memorial" says that the initial applicants in the case of Khizir Tepsurkaev, born in 1980 and kidnapped in Urus-Martan, were his parents. After the death of Khizir's father in 2006, Zara Mutsaeva, his mother, continued standing for justice.

Khizir Tepsurkaev was ...

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CK: Russia's MFA Finds Independent Investigation Of Estemirova's Murder Suggested By The United Nations Illegal

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Russia's MFA finds independent investigation of Estemirova's murder suggested by the United Nations illegal

jul 23 2009, 22:40

Experts of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) will not be able to hold their own independent investigation into the murder of human rights defender Natalia Estemirova, as it is contradictory to the Russian legislation. This was stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation.

The "
Caucasian Knot" has reported that independent experts of the United Nations in the area of human rights offered help to Russian government in investigating the recent series of murders of human rights activist, lawyers and journalists, including the murder of Natalia Estemirova, an employee of the HRC "Memorial".

The MFA marks that the joint statement of the HRC's Special Rapporteurs contains only a request to invite them to Russia ...

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Lake Wylie Pilot: Vigil Held For Slain Russian Activist

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Thursday, Jul. 23, 2009

Vigil held for slain Russian activist

Associated Press Writer

 Several dozen people attended a somber vigil in Moscow on Thursday for slain human rights activist Natalya Estemirova, who was abducted last week outside her home in Chechnya and found dead later the same day.

Participants at the vigil - held eight days after her death, in accordance with a Russian Orthodox tradition - vowed not to forget Estemirova or forgive her killers. Some held flickering candles, others photographs of the 50-year-old gunshot victim.

One man held a sign blaming Chechnya's President Ramzan Kadyrov and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for the slaying of Estemirova, who exposed alleged abuses by authorities under the Kremlin-backed Kadyrov.

"It just seemed shameful to stay home today," said Ksenia, a Muscovite who did not give her last name. "How long can one sit quietly and pretend nothing is happening in one's country?"

Organizers had not called ...

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Prague Watchdog: Oleg Orlev: "Kadyrov's Involvement Must Be One Of The Theories..."

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

July 22nd 2009 · Prague Watchdog. ALSO AVAILABLE IN: RUSSIAN 

“Kadyrov's involvement must be one of the theories....” (Interview with Oleg Orlov, chairman of the Memorial Human Rights Centre)

Prague Watchdog: Your telephone conversation with Ramzan Kadyrov has given rise to a lot of speculation, and it still isn’t clear why he called you. Was it perhaps an oblique attempt to express sympathy?

Oleg Orlov: No, it wasn’t an attempt to express sympathy, not in any way. There was no threat in what he said, but it contained not a shadow of sympathy.

PW: So he was simply angry about your accusations against him and wanted to let you know how he felt?

OO: Yes, he was angry, and he told me that he objected to the fact that I was holding him responsible, without any justification, as he saw it, for the death of Natasha Estemirova. He said he had relatives who would be very upset that such a ...

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The Peninsula: UN Rights Experts Ask Russia To Let Them In For Probe

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

UN rights experts ask Russia to let them in for probe 
Web posted at: 7/22/2009 6:46:53
Source ::: REUTERS

GENEVA: Seven UN human rights experts asked Russia yesterday to allow them into the country to help investigate last week’s murder of leading rights activist Natalia Estemirova.

The move by the seven—from both developed and developing countries—followed a call by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay for a thorough and independent probe into the killing, which sparked worldwide condemnation.

Estemirova was abducted in her native Chechnya and her body was found in the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia.

The experts said they recognised the Russian authorities had condemned the murder and pledged that every effort would be taken to catch and punish the killers of Estemirova, who represented Moscow rights body Memorial in Chechnya. “However, these assurances will be worth little unless the authorities take steps that go beyond what has been done in the past ...

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