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Human Rights

The Other Russia: Remaining Russian Opposition Candidates Removed From Moscow Election

posted by eagle on September, 2009 as Human Rights

Remaining Russian Opposition Candidates Removed from Moscow Election

The list of opposition candidates barred from running in Moscow’s municipal election has grown. As of Saturday, all seven candidates from the Solidarity Opposition Movement had been pulled from the race. Olga Shorina, the Movement’s press-secretary, reports that electoral officials declined each candidate’s registration on what look to be dubious grounds.

Moscow’s Electoral Commission earlier denied registration to four of the Movement’s candidates, citing technical errors with their signature lists. The last three candidates, including economist Vladimir Milov, were removed for similar reasons, Shorina said. Each was running in one of the capital’s single-mandate districts.

The candidates will now have the chance to appeal the Commission’s ruling, Shorina said. The group will use all methods at their disposal, including legal action, she added.

Another liberal democratic party experienced nearly identical problems. Three independent candidates from the Pravoe Delo party were prevented from registering by the Commission. ...

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HRW: Natalia Estemirova, Champion Of Ordinary Chechens

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Natalia Estemirova, Champion of Ordinary Chechens

Tanya Lokshina

August 31, 2009

A heavy, stifling heat envelops the Caucasus in midsummer. During the day the sun fries your brain, your throat itches from the hot dust, and the night brings no relief, only hordes of maddened mosquitoes.

After hurtling along Chechen roads from dawn till dusk in a tiny, overheated car, rattling through villages, trudging around in the pounding heat looking for the right house, you long only to dive into cool water. You gaze wistfully at every creek and even at the ditches. When you see boys splashing in the muddy puddles you are filled with envy. If only you could do just that - take off your sticky clothes and dive in... But that's just not possible  - damn these modesty laws!

By the evening of one of those days, I'd returned to Natasha's place, completely exhausted. As usual, the lift wasn't ...

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OpenDemocracy: Natalia Estemirova, Champion Of Ordinary Chechens

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Natalia Estemirova, champion of ordinary Chechens

Tanya Lokshina31 - 08 - 2009

Natalia Estemirova was Chechnya's great champion of human rights until her kidnap and murder last month. On the 40th day after her death, her friend Tanya Lokshina of Human Rights Watch commemorates a uniquely courageous and selfless woman.

A heavy, stifling heat envelops the Caucasus in midsummer. During the day the sun fries your brain, your throat itches from the hot dust, and the night brings no relief, only hordes of maddened mosquitoes.

After hurtling along Chechen roads from dawn till dusk in a tiny, overheated car, rattling through villages, trudging around in the pounding heat looking for the right house, you long only to dive into cool water. You gaze wistfully at every creek and even at the ditches. When you see boys splashing in the muddy puddles you are filled with envy. If only you could do just that - take off your ...

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KTVZ: Slain Russian Activist's Colleague Despairs

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Slain Russian activist's colleague despairs
Aug 30, 2009 06:10 PM

Associated Press Writer

KOSHKELDY, Russia (AP) - A leading Russian human rights activist paid an emotional visit Sunday to the cemetery where her slain colleague Natalya Estemirova is buried, weeping at her grave and predicting her killers will never be never be brought to justice.

Lyudmila Alexeyeva, the widely respected 82-year-old head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, had a message as she left the plot in Estemirova's ancestral village: "Curse those who are guilty in Natalya's death."

Estemirova worked for the rights group Memorial, and her reports on alleged rights abuses in Chechnya made her unpopular with the region's strongman leader and his government. She was abducted outside her home in the Chechen capital, Grozny, on July 15 and found dead later that day, with gunshot wounds to her head and body.

Alexeyeva visited relatives of Estemirova in the village 70 kilometers (45 miles) southeast ...

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KC: Lives Of Deported Chechens From Austria Are Under Threat

posted by eagle on August, 2009 as Human Rights

Lives of deported Chechens from Austria are under threat

Publication time: Today at 09:50 Djokhar time 

According to Austrian radio, due to the terror of infiltrated into Austria Kadyrov's gangs and the policy of Austrian authorities, some of the Chechen refugees are forced to return to Chechnya or to agree for deportation to Poland.


Austria itself deports Chechens to the "country of the first entry", which is Poland. However they are under threat there, because of the FSB killers and Kadyrov's emissaries.


With regard to the increase in number of refusals by Austrian authorities for political asylum in Austria, refugees claim that fear of Chechens in Austria has increased after the assassination of Umar Israilov by a terrorist gang of Russian FSB in January 13 this year:


"Everybody is afraid. How many people must die before Austrian and European authorities will understand that Chechens should be recognized as refugees and they are not returning to Chechnya ...

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