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Human Rights

Al Jazeera: UN Body Criticises Russia Abuses

posted by eagle on October, 2009 as Human Rights

19:00 MECCA TIME, 16:00 GMT

UN body criticises Russia abuses


There have been large protests over the murders 

of Russian journalists [GALLO/GETTY] 

Russia has failed to protect journalists, activists, prison inmates and others at odds with authorities from a wide range of abuses, including torture and murder, a new report by the UN Human Rights Committee says.

The findings came from an 18-member panel of independent experts who urged the Kremlin to implement a number of legal reforms which it said would improve conditions in Russia.

The proposed measures include narrowing the broad definitions of terrorism and extremism under Russian law, decriminalising defamation cases against journalists and granting appeal rights to people forced into psychiatric hospitals by the courts.

Friday's report also said Russia was responsible for reported attacks on civilians by armed groups in South Ossetia in the aftermath of the August 2008 war with Georgia, and called on Moscow to investigate those abuses.

Hate crimes

The panel said that ...

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Prague Watchdog: The Art Of Mimicry

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

October 28th 2009 · Prague Watchdog / Usam Baysayev

The art of mimicry

By Usam Baysayev, special to Prague Watchdog

Oslo, Norway

It is often interesting to compare the instincts and habits of animals with the behaviour of human beings. Mimicry, for example – the ability to adapt to one’s environment. Were it not for the chameleon’s ability to change colour according to where it happens to be at any particular moment – on a branch, on the ground or wherever, we would probably know it only in fossilized form.

Though the step from chameleon to man is a long one, man has achieved some success in mimicry. Take politicians, for example. They always say what ordinary people expect them to say. But they usually act on the basis of personal preference, and often of personal advantage. In Chechnya, too, there are now many skilled practitioners in the art of deception.
A few years ago the republic ...

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Billings Gazette: Reports: Case Opened Against Russian Activist

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Reports: Case opened against Russian activist

A lawyer for Chechnya's strongman president said Tuesday that a criminal libel case carrying possible prison time has been opened against one of Russia's most prominent human rights activists, news agencies reported.

The report of the case against Oleg Orlov, chairman of the Memorial group, comes less than a week after the European Union awarded its top human-rights honor, the Sakharov Prize, to Orlov and two other activists.

The case stems from Orlov's statement in July that Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov bore responsibility for the July abduction and killing of Natalya Estemirova, the head of Memorial's Chechnya operation who drew Kadyrov's ire by reporting on human rights violations there.

Orlov did not say that Kadyrov was directly involved in the killing, but said the former separatist rebel and boxer had created a climate of intimidation and impunity that ...

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Moscow Times: Riot Police Raid Dam Disaster Site

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Riot Police Raid Dam Disaster Site

By Maria Antonova

The Investigative Committee and OMON riot police swooped into the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant in a raid Tuesday, seizing documents and isolating employees at their workstations in a probe into an August accident that killed 75 people.

RusHydro, the state-controlled owner of the plant, said the surprise raid halted all activities there, snarling repair work and efforts to prepare the plant for the winter.

“Two administrative buildings have been blocked. Employees are sitting at their workplaces and are not permitted to move around,” plant spokesman Alexei Dubovets said in a telephone interview.

He could not say whether employees were being questioned. “I’m in my office as well and don’t know what is happening,” he said.

At 5 p.m. local time, officials with the Investigative Committee were putting together a list of employees who are pregnant or have disabilities, RusHydro’s press service said. More than 1,500 people ...

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Moscow Times: Criminal Case Opened Against Rights Group Chairman

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Criminal Case Opened Against Rights Group Chairman


A lawyer for Chechnya's strongman president said Tuesday that a criminal libel case carrying possible prison time has been opened against one of Russia's most prominent human rights activists, news agencies reported.

The report of the case against Oleg Orlov, chairman of Memorial, comes less than a week after the European Union awarded its top human rights honor, the Sakharov Prize, to Orlov and two other activists.

The case stems from Orlov's statement in July that Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov bore responsibility for the July abduction and killing of Natalya Estemirova, the head of Memorial's Chechnya operation who drew Kadyrov's ire by reporting on human rights violations there.

Orlov did not say that Kadyrov was directly involved in the killing, but said the former separatist rebel and boxer had created a climate of intimidation and impunity that encourages violent retaliation.

Kadyrov won a civil libel suit ...

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