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Human Rights

RFE/RL: Chechen Rights Activist Detained In Moscow

posted by eagle on November, 2009 as Human Rights

Chechen Rights Activist Detained In Moscow

November 06, 2009
MOSCOW -- The chairman of the Grozny-based human rights organization Pravo (Right), Arbi Khachukaev, has been detained by Moscow police, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports.

Svetlana Gannushkina, an activist at Memorial Human Rights Center in Moscow, told RFE/RL on November 5 that police in Moscow are planning to bring Khachukaev to the Chechen capital, Grozny.

The reason for Khachukaev's detention was not reported.

Activists in Moscow sent an official request to police officials demanding to know why their colleague was detained.

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CK: Several NGOs Stand In Defence Of NCHR In Krasnodar Territory

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Several NGOs stand in defence of NCHR in Krasnodar Territory

sep 15 2009, 23:00

After the news appeared that the Prosecutor's Office of Novorossisk had sent a petition to the court on suspension of the activity of the Novorossisk Committee on Human Rights (NCHR), a number of Russian NGO voiced in defence of human rights defenders: AGORA, YURIX, MHG (Moscow Helsinki Group) and Foundation "Public Verdict". The Movement "For Human Rights" has made a statement; and another statement is prepared, which will be soon open for signing-in. This was reported by Vadim Karastelyov, an expert of the NCHR.

He believes that this attention can arouse the effect positive for the Committee.

"As to the position of the authorities, despite a wide resonance, none of them ever telephoned or offered anything. The court can quite well uphold the Prosecutor's Office; and the territorial court will approve the decision of the judge. However, let's hope for ...

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HRW: Russia: Drop Criminal Libel Charges Against Activist

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

Case Brought by Chechen Leader Over Remarks After Rights Advocate Gunned Down
October 29, 2009

(Moscow) - Russian authorities should immediately drop criminal libel charges against Oleg Orlov, the prominent activist who heads Memorial Human Rights Center, Human Rights Watch said today. The charges stem from Orlov's statement that Ramzan Kadyrov, the president of Chechnya, was responsible for the murder of Natalia Estemirova, Memorial's leading researcher in Chechnya.

"Criminal penalties for libel are disproportionate and have a chilling effect on free expression in Russia," said Allison Gill, Moscow director for Human Rights Watch. "Kadyrov has already had his day in court over this issue."

The decision to bring a criminal case was made public on October 27, 2009. If convicted, Orlov faces up to three years in prison.

Kadyrov brought civil defamation charges against Orlov and Memorial, suing for 10 million rubles in damages (approximately US$300,000). On October 6, 2009, a Moscow court ruled that ...

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RFE/RL: After Aushev Murder, 'To Work In Human Rights In North Caucasus Is Suicidal'

posted by eagle on as Human Rights

October 26, 2009

After Aushev Murder, 'To Work In Human Rights In North Caucasus Is Suicidal'

by Kevin O'Flynn

Rights activists say that the death of Maksharip Aushev, who was killed after the car he was driving was peppered by more than 60 bullets, shows that human rights work in the restive North Caucasus is tantamount to suicide. 

More than 3,000 people gathered on October 26 in Aushev's home town of Surkhakhi, about 10 kilometers outside Nazran in the Russian republic of Ingushetia, to bury the rights activist. 

Aushev, an Ingush activist and businessman, became the latest North Caucasus rights worker to fall victim to violence.

The 43-year-old was killed at the wheel on October 25 as he was driving to visit relatives near Nalchik, in the neighboring republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. A female relative traveling in Aushev's car was also seriously injured in the attack. 

Aushev, a strong critic of the former Ingush president, Murat Zvazikov, had briefly ...

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The Other Russia: The Landmark Murder Of Maksharip Aushev

posted by eagle on October, 2009 as Human Rights

The Landmark Murder of Maksharip Aushev

Writing for Yezhednevny Zhurnal, journalist Latynina chronicles the events leading up to Sunday’s murder of Ingush opposition leader Maksharip Aushev. Aushev was on his way to visit family when assailants sprayed his vehicle with machine gun fire.

The Ingush President has pledged full support for the investigation, but his ability to control the violence in Ingushetia is in doubt.

The Russian republic of Ingushetia borders Chechnya in the North Caucasus. Ingush security forces in charge of controlling spillover insurgent violence are blamed for hundreds of kidnappings and extrajudicial murders, but are rarely investigated.

“They killed this man two hours ago, but he walks among us here on film.”
Yulia Latynina
October 26, 2009
Yezhednevny Zhurnal

On Sunday, October 25, 2009, in the North Caucasian city of Nalchik, one of the most influential people in the Republic of Ingushetia was killed – Maksharip Aushev; the killers peppered his car with machine guns. It ...

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